christmas special ! 🎄

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disclaimer ! this isn't part of the plot, just a lil something for quismois <3 normal chapter will be released later today. have a merry christmas loves to those who celebrate it 💕



xenoia's voice was full of shock. her eyes had widened and she hadn't even opened the whole present yet.

"what, love?"

the feigned confusion in his voice didn't impress the girl and she placed the present on the carpet, head cocked and expression disdainful.

"did he get you socks or something-"

"now jobe, how in the world does that look like socks?"

the younger boy shrugged, "you never know."

jude kissed his teeth, then urged his girlfriend to continue unwrapping her present. but she refused.

"mrs bellingham, respectfully," she turned to the woman who was situated on a beige sofa, next to her husband, "please tell your son to stop wasting money on me, because i absolutely cannot accept this gift."

the lady laughed, gaze full of adoration for the girl who had her son heart deep in love.

xenoia was absolutely perfect for jude; understood when he needed space or, frankly, a firm talking to. or when he needed support at a game when his immediate family were occupied with their own lives to go. no matter the distance, she was there, wearing his jersey.

so when the couple proposed the idea of xenoia staying over for christmas, how could she- or her husband- say no?

"xenoia, it's not a waste of money if he's spending it on you."

jude exasperatedly exhaled, "that's what i've been saying mum, yet she doesn't want to listen to me."

"but dior? really?!"

jobe gasped so loudly, everyone visibly flinched.

"bro what the hell was-"


jude deadpanned, "that's because it's you, jobe."

the younger boy winced, "ouch. all offence taken."

"glad you have."

"OKAY. IT'S ENOUGH," xenoia cut in, "i'll open it."

her fingers were nimble and hesitant, and once the whole dior box came into view, jude's mum smiled widely and said, "open the box, i want to see what he got you."

her fingers pressed into the side and she opened it, gasping as a hot pink bag revealed itself.

"oh my- it's so pretty," xenoia marveled, looking at jude who smiled back at her.

"you like it? i wasn't sure whether to get the pink or blue one."

"of course i love it, thank you!" she leaned forward and hugged him, jobe making retching noises.

"aww what a happy couple, wish them the best."

"oh shut up jobe."


as the day drawed to its end, jude and xenoia chilled in the boy's room, home alone softly murmuring in the background.

xenoia had her sister and best friend on facetime, talking about the day and its events.

"how are things back at home, 'quoia?" xenoia asked her sister. she received a groan in response.

"boring as fuck. leonidas and his boyfriend were supposed to come over but apparently there was an 'emergency'."

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