Friend's boyfriend

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Mia's POV

Sitting in Lola's car , I'm wondering why she's still with her boyfriend if she can't trust him .
I think it's the fourth time this week she's following him always bringing me along .

" You know maybe this time we could go somewhere else other than spying on Ethan , I know this new club you're go-"
"Oh please Mia it's not because tou don't have a boyfriend that I have to lose mine" she rolls her eyes , well she that shut me up really quickly .

I'm not really one for settling I have to admit , I guess you could say that I'm kind of living in the moment . Commitment is way too much for me .

But if there's a person I'd commit with it would be Ethan .
I know that's really shitty of me , wanting my friend's boyfriend , but Ethan is so perfect , his tall built ,those muscles his deep blue eyes and those damn dimple , yeah you guessed it I'm crushing hard on him .

I don't understand why Lola doesn't trust him , the man his literally no flaws and not to be pretentious but if Ethan was cheating bastard like Lola assume , I am sure he would've be on my bed in a long time .

I've always attracted my others friend's boyfriends and trust me I never acted on it but I wouldn't have mind it if Ethan wanted me , but of course he has to be the one who didn't find me attractive.

I sound like a bitch right now but Lola and Ethan are not a great match , she's way too jealous and possessive , sometimes possessiveness and jealousy is cute but sometimes you have to temper it.

Ethan is actually way to nice with her he's alaways forgiving or taking on all the blame just for his couple to stay like it was when they were in highschool but sometimes you just have to let it go .

We finally arrive somewhere in front of some kind of restaurant "you know we still have time to go back to m-"
"Shut up Mia if you want to go whoring around just get the fuck out"
"I'm just trying to save-"
"Save what huh ? my relationship is absolutely perfect worry about your life Mia you're the one who's still single"

Lola has a way of thinking that since she's in relationship she superior to everyone who's single and that is the reason I'm her only friend .
Well friend is a big word since I am only here for Ethan , knowing her crazy ass she'd probably forbid him to see me if we weren't talking anymore , she already hate it when we're alone for five minutes only .

After some time we finally see a group getting out of the restaurant Ethan being one of them , the other people are his coworkers , I internally groan , why are we here when he's just hanging out with his coworker.

I look at Lola but she's fuming , I then look again at Etna direction to see him talking to a girl , they're laughing , from my point of view everything look platonic but in the eyes of Lola I guess this is a proof of Ethan cheating on her .

"Don't act too harsh-" I don't get to finish my words that she's storming out of the car I facepalm myself before getting out of the car , why is she so impulsive .

I follow her and try to stop her , but I'm in heels and it's hard to walk fast , I get there and everyone is watching her this is so fucking embarrassing

"I knew you weren't fucking faithful ! who the fuck is this bitch ?"
"Lola stop it please" Ethan try to reason her but nothing is getting trough her skull , she slaps him "we're done !" and quickly walk away to her car forgetting about me .

Ethan say sorry to his coworker and take my hand to his car , I internally smile and do fist pump , guess everything didn't turn for the worse .

After a long silence in the car we pull under my building but I make no move of going out , "I'm sorry Mia" I frown and look at him "what are you apologizing for ?" he give me a small smile "I sorry you saw that" I make an 'O' face "it's fine Ethan"

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