Winds From Another World Pt. 1

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(This chapter and the next are a crossover with the Wednesday story by Mikexlrose . This was also written by him. Not sure if they're canon to my story or not. Either way enjoy. This Arc is most likely the last you'll ever hear from this story)

"Muffin how much farther do we have to go, my legs are starting to get tired." (y/n) groaned, his eyes closed as Wednesday led him by the hand through the misty woods surrounding Nevermore Academy. He could hear the rustling of leaves beneath his feet and the distant howling of the wind as he sank further and further into oversized his puffy jacket and pulled it tighter around himself with every gust.

Wednesday turned to him, a smirk playing at the corners of her lips watching him struggle. "You poor thing, are you really getting tired already? You really need to man up, (y/n)" She says, (y/n) frowns and puffs his cheeks.

"I'm not tired, just a little winded, and way colder than I thought I would be." (y/n) says, the winds instantly picking up, causing the trees to sway and creak ominously while a chilled breeze crawls down his spine forcing (y/n) to hunch his shoulders desperately trying to shield himself from the chilly gusts

"Ugh, stupid wind just stop already you're so annoying, I hate you!"

"Annoying? I think it adds to the ambiance, don't you?" She said completely unfazed by the frigid breeze as it brushed across her face as she continued to lead the way, (y/n) let out a heavy sigh and shook his head in annoyance " I don't care about the ambiance, and unlike you, I didn't spend a winter hibernating with grizzlies, I just wanna get to wherever it is you're taking me and be back to cuddling in bed as soon as possible." He grumbled, and Wednesday gave his hand a strong yet calming squeeze,

"Don't worry, we're almost there. Just a little bit farther."

(y/n) reluctantly nodded his head and kept his eyes shut, feeling the cracking of twigs under his shoes with every step. As they continued on, Wednesday's

pace slowed down just a bit, and she glanced back at him. "You know, I understand that this isn't exactly the most pleasant experience for you, but I promise it'll be worth it once we arrive." She says, and (y/n) finally cracks the smallest of smiles feeling the small amounts of warmth from her spread to his hand.

"I'm sure it will be, plus as long as I'm with you, every step is worth it." He says, lovingly and wholeheartedly, small traces of color slowly crawling onto Wednesday's face as his words played in her mind before slowing down even more to walk beside him until they finally reached their destination, As they emerged from the trees, Y/N opened his eyes and gasped at the sight before him. A wide-open field stretched out in front of them, covered in a thick blanket of fog. In the distance, he could just make out the outline of a picnic blanket, and the unmistakable silhouette of a basket waiting for the both of them as candles of purple and black flames guided their way.

"Wow, Wednesday this is...amazing" (y/n) said admiring the view, Wednesday smiled ever so slightly as she walked towards the picnic blanket with him not far behind, but just as they were about to step onto the blanket, (y/n) stopped dead in his tracks and stared at Wednesday a firey skepticism burning in his eyes

"What is it?" Wednesday asked, puzzled.

"Wednesday isn't the type of girl to do something this romantic and thoughtful even for her boyfriend. You must be an imposter!" He exclaimed pointing his finger at her with conviction and sternness in his voice, causing Wednesday to simply cross her arms and stare at him deadpan

"I see now how you've perceived me this entire time, (l/n)

"You forgot about my first name."

"(l/n) doesn't deserve more than just (l/n)" She said cold and monotone, (y/n) chuckled

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