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TW// panic attack, trauma, IV, hospital, crying, ripping out an IV, alarm trigger?

Tommy's POV

I woke up in a haze. It was so bright. Where am I? Am I dead? No, I hear voices.

I looked around, seeing a white clean room. Similar to the one that held me when I was with Schlatt. The last thing I remembered was Schlatt's telling me that I'd come in handy, and then he shot me.

I began to panic. I can't be back. Where is Tubbo? Is he safe? Oh, god, what is Schlatt doing to Tubbo?

I couldn't breathe and there were tears in my eyes. I felt IVs in my arms. I grabbed at the,, trying to take them out. One of them came out, and a machine started to make a loud alarm noise. I covered my ears, crying.

"Hey, you're ok, Tommy, you're safe. You're in the hospital." I heard form over the alarm. I shook my head, not believing whoever was speaking. I felt someone grab my arm. I looked over, seeing someone in a white outfit going to stick the IV bad into my arm.

I turned my head away, gasping for air. I felt like I was going to puke.

"Tommy, you're ok. It's just an IV. You're not getting a shot." I heard. I looked up, seeing Techno in front of me, holding my hand. I only knew it was him because of his pink hair. Everything was blurry.

"T-Tubbo. Where- Where is Tubbo?" I asked frantically. "He's ok. He's right here, see?" Techno pointed beside of him. I now noticed Tubbo sitting next to Techno with worried look. "Are- Are you ok? Did- Did he hurt you?" I asked. "No, I'm fine. You're what matters right now." Tubbo said.

The alarm stopped. My head pounded. I calmed down mostly after the alarm stopped.

"I'm so sorry. I know you said hospital rooms trigger you but we didn't have a choice. You were gonna die if we didn't get you here." Techno said. I nodded. "It's ok." I said.

"Tubbo, uhm, he told us everything. Literally everything. From you getting took by Schlatt to now. Is that where your scars came from?" Techno asked. I nodded. "From being chained up. Yes." I swallowed.

"I'm so sorry, Tommy. Nobody should have to go through that." Techni said, gently holding my face. I smiled into his touch. His hands are so warm and comforting.

"Is..." I sighed. "Phil and Wilbur. Do they...hate me now?" I asked. "Tommy, no! Of course not!" Phil said. I turned my head, now seeing that the two were on the other side of the bed. "We would never, Tommy." Wilbur said.

"But- But you're always trying to arrest me. What makes that change now?" I asked. "Tommy, we didn't know that you're Theseus! We love you so much, and now that we know, we still love you. We loved you before we knew and we'll love you after we know." Wilbur said.

My lip quivered, a few tears running down my face.

"T-Thank you..." I said. Wilbur reached over, hugging me. I melted into the hug. I'm severely touch starved.

"This is gonna be all over the news, isn't it?" I asked. Wilbur chuckled. "Probably."

Words: 550

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