Screen TV

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Screen TV

by Truerain

"One night I was laying down in our creepy unfinished basement, watchingHalloween (which I've seen well over a hundred times), when suddenly I felt a chill and the lights started to flicker. At first I thought nothing of it. After about half an hour the lights went out completely. I wasn't terrified of the dark at the time so I just called out for my mom to bring me a flashlight but nobody was coming. I looked forward and in the TV was a white face staring at me (the TV was off, mind you). I just kept staring at this face thinking it was just a reflection but then I saw the eyes blink and stare right at me. This face smiled and its teeth weren't human teeth; they were sharp and long. I started to cry and call out for my mom. That's when I bolted it up the stairs and cried myself to sleep in my moms bed."

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