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the oh so awaited day had come

the match against team W and kuon's soon-to-be betrayal

you had woken up earlier than your teammates this morning and had headed out to the cafeteria to get your breakfast

upon entering the place, you heard a loud whiny voice from afar and caught sight of Reo and Nagi with another guy wearing glasses

"man, you guys are always everywhere" you stared at the duo

"oh hey (y/n), how have you been?" smiled Reo

"who's this girl?" the glasses guy spoke

"That's our friend, (y/n), dumb zantetsu, Reo just said it" responded Nagi, pausing his game to look up at you "hey (y/n)"

"hey nagi" you gave the boy a tired smile

"seems like you just woke up"

"yeah, it's our fourth match today," you said as you walked up to the scanning machine to get your food and walked back to their table

"After this, it's against us" Reo smirked

"yeah and we'll demolish that winning streak of yours" you teased, but you were dead serious about your words

"yeah, yeah, we'll see about that" he brushed your words off as if not believing you

"keep doubting us, the less you try, the bigger the gap in between our goals will be"

"you seem confident in your team" he chuckled " despite it being the lowest in our building"

"you still believe that bullshit" you rose a brow "if this were really a matter of teams based on rankings, I definitely wouldn't be in this building"

"Well you sure are optimistic"

you finally decided to sit and took the seat next to Nagi who was back to playing on his phone

he was playing, as usual

you looked over at your plate and began eating, it wasn't the best, but you had gotten used to eating the same thing every day here

a finger poked on the cheek you were chewing from

looking to the side, you saw Nagi's pale finger poke your cheek while his eyes stayed fixated on you

"How can you eat that" he spoke


"How can you eat this kind of food" he pointed to your plate "I always hated it whenever my mom gave me that for breakfast"

you looked back to your plate uninterested in whatever he was saying "here have my plate"

he pushed away your plate while bringing his unfinished yet untouched plate in front of you

"Nagi this is nice, but you also have to eat" you looked back at him

"I'm already full, plus I ate Reo's food so I'm fine" he replied going back to his phone

he left you no room to argue any further and so you decided to just take the food in gratitude

"so (y/n), ready for your match?" Reo looked over at you

"of course, I am" you smiled "I'm even excited"

"huh, and why is that" he looked at you in question

"well since you guys aren't part of my team, it won't affect you knowing of this" you started "let's say this guy on my team leaked our strategy and abilities to today's opponent in exchange for being given 3 free goals to be the team's top scorer. My team is currently unaware that our opponents are going to know our every move"

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