Chapter 7

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“What do you think he means by this?” Net was puzzled over the cufflinks, which he had snatched at a raised price in the first place and now gave Nunew at 100,000, was it just to enjoy the pleasure of spending money?

“Humiliation, this is naked humiliation! Taking something he used and giving it away, what is this if not an insult!” Nunew felt that this Zee was really rotten to the core, every time he could step on his minefield and dance, but unfortunately Nunew was still slightly inferior in his ability to anger people.

He once suspected that Zee and his fate were ill-matched, the fortune teller “master” said that the two of them had a deep fate, Nunew turned around and left, either the characters he inquired about were wrong, or this guy is a fraudster.

Net was very sceptical: “Throwing 100,000 for nothing just to make you angry?”

Although perhaps 100,000 is nothing to Zee, there is no need to treat money like dirt so much. “Then I even added 100,000 to buy his private room just to compete, how come he can’t spend 100,000 just to anger me?”

This logic struck Net as a tad bizarre, but he couldn’t quite put his finger on what was wrong. “So what are you going to do, throw it away?”

“Keep it, in any case, it’s 100,000.” Nunew casually stuffed it into a corner, using it was out of the question, who would want to use something that Zee had used.

Recently, Nunew always involuntarily touched his stomach. Although he could not feel anything yet, he felt that he should start preparing for prenatal education.

For example, the first step of prenatal education is to calm the mind. He heard that children born out of anger during pregnancy are prone to poor health, so he bought a pair of “Don’t get angry” hanging curtains and nailed them to the wall, reciting them three times a day until it is engraved in his mind, and reciting them silently every time he gets angry at Zee.

Net asked him to go out for a drink and Nunew excused himself: “Scientific research shows that long-term alcohol consumption causes liver cirrhosis, so I want to quit drinking.”

Net was silent for a moment: “Nunew, you’re not possessed by something dirty, are you?”

Nunew thought to himself, he is not possessed by anything dirty, but it’s true that he is possessed.

At three months, Nunew’s belly began to show some signs of pregnancy, Nunew looked left and right in the mirror and saw that the embryo inside his body finally had a sense of existence.

The antenatal checkup results were all good and Nunew wrote down everything he should do and should not do, secretly feeling that he had never been so delicate with himself all his life. It’s just that once the pregnancy starts showing, his belly will get bigger and bigger and more obvious, it is time to prepare to run. 

He wanted to choose a small place abroad where he could live in a pleasant environment until the baby is born safely, then he could say that it is an orphan that had been entrusted by a deceased friend, and the matter would be concealed.

However, he had a fight with Zee again before he could choose a place and he had been deliberately avoiding
Zee recently, but the city was only so big and it was difficult not to bump into him at all. Fortunately, the loose clothes he wore today did not show anything.

Nunew originally had a temper because of some morning sickness reactions, he was now like a small walking cannonball, and Zee uncoincidentally was the fuse, which ignited Nunew as expected.

He was clearly very angry and ready to win with his belly full of yin and yang energy, but perhaps because he was pregnant, Nunew suddenly felt very aggrieved when he heard Zee’s words stabbing him.

He had already suffered a lot for the sake of the baby in his belly, but the baby’s father had no idea and was even here to infuriate him. The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, glaring at Zee, his eyes gradually turning red.

Zee’s expression froze, and half of what he said got stuck in his mouth. It was the first time he had ever seen this expression on Nunew’s face.

When Nunew was in front of him, he was always like a puffer fish, which would bulge and explode at the slightest touch. Unlike now, he was like a deflated little puffer fish, with only his eyes staring, tears welling up in his eyes.

Zee didn’t know which of his words had annoyed him, Nunew had already turned around and walked away without saying a word.

Zee frowned at his retreating back, suddenly a bit uncomfortable. “Did I say too much today?”

Poppy shook his head and nodded again: “What you said is the same as before, but what you said before was indeed a little excessive too.”

Zee thought about the words he used to say and pondered for a moment: “Go and check if there are any problems with Chawarin Group recently.”

“President Zee, we’ve been keeping a close eye on several major groups, there’s nothing wrong with them.”

“Then that’s strange, just what is wrong with Nunew.”


Running Away With The Nemesis' Baby (ZeeNunew AU)Where stories live. Discover now