The Brave, Honorable, Gallant Singers

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Fair warning: This chapter is darker and more gruesome than chapter 4.

- Early evening. Outskirts of Miload's Mansion-

"Sir, Margrave Mathers' estate is within sight." One of the knights called out to inform the ones inside the carriage.

There were seven of them in total in a carriage. A small group, but one that could easily and efficiently handle bandits and other threats on the road, especially for their given task. Searching for Subaru Natsuki.

It was a strange assignment to say the least, the knights thought. The last time they had heard about Subaru Natsuki, was when the camps reported an invasion on Priestella over 8 months ago.

Now all of a sudden the Knight Commander assigned them this specific mission. With very clear objectives.

Their orders and objectives were:

Firstly they needed to ask the Emilia camp regarding Lady Emilia's trip to the Pleiades Watchtower, what they witnessed there, etc. If Lady Emilia has not returned yet, then they were to ask for an estimate of a possible return. Then their other priorities were all about one man. Subaru Natsuki. The knight of Lady Emilia.

Their main objective was to find him. Marcos had not divulged much information regarding his disappearance, only the need-to-know basis, with the main clue of finding him was asking his camp. Should that not work, then they are to search the surrounding area for clues. Once they find him, they are to escort him back to the Capital to meet with the Sages. Marcos had made them swear to be discreet with this mission and to not hurt nor harm Subaru Natsuki.

These were their priorities.

Their task made all 7 knights feel uneasy. The most unease they felt was right before they departed. Marcos Gildark spoke to them in the most serious voice he had. Telling them that should they act with dishonor then they will be answering directly to him. It frightened them how serious Marcos looked with his threat.

It left them perplexed. They wondered if Subaru Natsuki had done something or was needed for something of extreme importance, this was the only reason why the Knight Commander would act that way. They had all discussed with one another regarding the last whereabouts of Subaru Natsuki, looking to confirm if all of them had similar knowledge, before deciding ahead on their journey.

"Thank you, Beric." Their Leader's voice called out. He then spoke towards all of the knights within the carriage. "Remember. We are not here to cause a disturbance. We are only here to ask the whereabouts of Subaru Natsuki and inquire if Lady Emilia returned from the Pleiades Watchtower, understood?"

"Understood, Sir." The knights responded.

Reaching the Margrave's mansion. The knights departed from their carriage, leaving it a small distance away from the main entrance.

"Darius, Gideon, and Mathias. You're with me. The three of you stay here to guard the carriage. This shouldn't take long, keep an eye out nonetheless. I believe mabeasts roam around this area."

The three knights saluted and stood in their positions. While the Leader and his assigned troops would go on to ask the denizens of the mansion and hopefully get a meeting between them and Lady Emilia or the Margrave.


The door was knocked loudly.

Soon enough it was opened and a blue-haired maid stood at the other side of the door. She looked at them with surprise at first which quickly became hostility, anger, and suspicion.

A Good JokeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon