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I woke up in my room at Namjoon's house the next morning. It turned out that Taehyung took me there when I was sleeping and left me there with Namjoon. I sat up and rubbed my eyes when Namjoon came in with a glass of water. "Oh, you're awake? Here, have this water. I'm sure you'll feel tired. You were tossing and turning all night. I was worried." I took the glass from his hand. He did not ask me a word about last night. I took a sip and placed the glass on the table beside me. I wasn't able to look him in the eyes. I felt ashamed for breaking his trust. But his face did not show even one percent of disappointment. I lifted my face and said, "I'm sorry.." I didn't know what else to say. But what he said made me realize how much of a bad decision I made. "I know how you feel. Losing someone and then knowing that they're not actually dead and that they're now seeking revenge on you.. It's definitely overwhelming. But you shouldn't have left without telling me. What if he hurt you? There are a lot of people out here who cares about you. If you want to go meet him, just tell me. I'll take you at the right time. He isn't in a stable mindset to analyse what's going on around him. All that is on his mind is to seek revenge on you. He truly believes that you are the one at fault. You first have to prove to him that Mina is the one who caused all the problems. Then he has to take it in a right way and get the proper treatment he needs. We need to do all these before speaking to him directly. He's not even ready to see your face and not attack. So please, try to understand us. We will all try our best to help you. Don't worry." He finished and took a deep breath. That's Namjoon. If you say a word, he'll reply with a paragraph. But I haven't seen someone as patient and caring as him. I've seen even Jungkook getting angry sometimes. But not Namjoon. He has always been so patient and calm. That's why all of our friends go to him for comfort and advice. "I know what I did was wrong. I won't do it again. I promise." I said and he smiled. "Good. Now go refresh. I'll prepare the breakfast. After eating we can go see Jungkook." He said and I felt my face lighting up like a kid's face who just heard his mom say that he can have any candy he want. "Really? Will we go see him?" I asked as I couldn't contain my excitement. I'm excited to meet someone who is excited to kill me. How ironic, right? "Really. Now go." He said and walked out of the room. I sat there for a couple minutes thinking about everything. For the past 22 years, my life has been peaceful and happy. But the past few days have been a terrible nightmare. One second I was in my home and the next thing I know, I'm struggling to protect myself and save my life.. I resolved to myself that whatever happens I must come clear to Jungkook. I stood up and went to get ready when something tripped my feet. I bent down and picked it up which looked like a photo album and it looked familiar too. I looked at it for a few seconds until I remembered where I've seen it. It was Jungkook's photo album. He never allowed me to see it because he said that he had a terrible past and that photo album reminded him of that past. I never questioned him about it since he always got so emotional when he talked about that album. So I didn't understand how that album came to Namjoon's house. I was wondering about it when Namjoon came in. "What's this doing in here? Isn't this Jungkook's photo album?" I asked him. He looked at the album and spoke. "Jungkook's things were moved to Taehyung's mansion after he "died". This album got stuck here during the moving."
Suddenly something hit me. Everyone told me that Jungkook died. But then one day Namjoon called and told me that Jungkook was alive. Before I could even understand what was going on, Jungkook came in front of me out of the blue and kidnapped and tortured me. If he's still alive, why did everyone tell me that he was gone? My head was about to explode. I looked Namjoon dead in the eyes. "Namjoon, don't try to lie to me. Everyone told me that Jungkook was dead. So how did he come back? You were the one to tell me that he isn't dead. You must know what's going on." I thought I was going to learn a dark secret which everyone hid from me. But Namjoon looked calm. "Trust me, Y/N. Neither me nor any of our friends will ever lie to you. It's a shock even to me that Jungkook is still alive. None of us saw his face when he was "buried". He had a closed casket funeral which happened as the doctors told that he requested a closed casket funeral before he died. That's why he had a closed casket funeral. All of us thought that he was dead. Even Taehyung. When I called you and told that Jungkook was still alive, it was not because I already knew that he was alive. Just before I called you, Taehyung called me. It turned out that Jungkook never died. He actually went into hiding because he was seriously injured and didn't want people to know. He was planning the revenge on you from that time. When he returned to Taehyung's mansion, he acted like he was really sorry and he had to fake his death because he didn't like to be a burden to everyone. Taehyung trusted him and let him in. But when he understood his motive, he tried to stop him. And when he couldn't, he called and informed me. So please don't think we deceived you." Namjoon looked really sincere. I gelt guilty for doubting my friends. "I'm sorry. Past few days have been really hard for me. I didn't know what I was thinking." I told and apologized. "There's no need to apologize, Y/N. I should have told this sooner but you were already weak and unstable. So I didn't want to disturb you by this new information." Namjoon explained. "It's fine. Atleast now I know. Well, let's put all that aside now. I'll get ready and we'll go see Jungkook." I told and Namjoon left the room. I was staring down at the album. Jungkook is not here anyways. It wouldn't do any harm to open it. It's not like we are together anyways. Though something inside me told me not to open it, I still did it. But when I opened it, what I saw made me drop the album. There were photos of us together. But the strange thing was that my face in all those photos were crossed out with red ink. With shaky hands, I slowly picked up the photo album from the floor. As I flipped through the pages I could see all the photos the same way as the first page - my face crossed out in every picture. Tears filled my eyes. I couldn't think straight. I couldn't think of a reason why Jungkook would have crossed out my face in all our pictures. But when I flipped the next page, I clearly understood what was goingnon

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