Chapter 4: Potential

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Dream's POV

Dream grabbed some cereal out of the fridge, half-awake as George and Sapnap had the TV blaring.

"And that is how to be better than bitch boy Wilbur." I hear in the distance.

"Let's watch it again! Did you see those turns!" I tiredly grabbed my cereal and went to the living room.

"What are we watching?" I yawn.

"This dude called Tommy Innit! He has a viral video of racing the Jubilee car! He is really good at racing too!" 

They played it again for me to see.

"I am Tommy Innit and I am fucking racing Jubilee! Get ready folks! This shit is going to get real!" Tommy exclaimed as he pushed on the gas to make the engine purr loudly.

Tommy rolled the window up on Jubilee and slammed on the gas pedal to accelerate on the track. Tommy perfectly drifted on the turns and did it almost perfectly! Tommy then twirled Wilbur's keys and grinned after he gets out the car.

"And that is how to be better than bitch boy Wilbur." I was in awe.

"That kid has fucking potential. How did he even get Jubilee?"

"I don't know. Maybe he works at the Minecraft Race-and-Dine?"

"But usually only family works at the Minecraft Race-and-Dine... Unless..." I grab my phone and search up 'sons of Philza Minecraft'. My eyes widen.

"What wrong Dream?"

"They have another fucking kid. It seems that they have kept him out of the spotlight for some reason."

"Holy fuck! So he's our rival?"

"Not necessarily. Nothing is said that he is coming to race and he is 16. I mean Wilbur got an announcement when he was 15! We could convince him to join us?"

"But how? He's probably working at that Minecraft Race-and-Dine!" George whines.

"Well then, guess we are making an entrance." I smirk.


Cameras flashed as the paparazzi went crazy over our public appearance. 

"You sure this is a good idea? What if he doesn't agree?"

"Oh he will. It seems like his family won't give a shit either." I convince George as we head inside.

It seemed pretty crowded as people were also looking for Tommy. Techno was serving a few customers and I head over to talk to him.

"Hey Tech-"

"Why the fuck are you here Dream. You never come here because it 'gives us support'."

"I am looking for your little brother, Tommy."

Techno glares daggers into my soul, "I guess I will get the man of the hour then." Techno walks away and comes back with the old fucker and Tommy.

The crew and I stared in disbelief. He had rubbed off foundation to show a bruise the size of a hand. So he is getting abused too? Holy fuck I hate the Minecrafts, but I didn't think they would stoop so low as abusing their youngest. The youngest also looked worried like he was in trouble.

"Tommy Innit! Pleasure to meet you!" I take my hand out for Tommy to shake, but Phil stops Tommy's hand before he could.

"What do you want Dream." Phil scoffs.

"Easy. Tommy Innit. Will you join me for a racing outing today. I'll pay!" I smirk.

"Absolutely not-"

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