Chapter 13: The End

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"Eddie, there's Dip everywhere. How are we gonna get down?" Roger asked.

Eddie ran over to a fire hydrant valve and turned it, blasting water out of the fire hydrants in the factory and washing the Dip down the drain.

Eddie turned the hydrants off, and lowered the hook to the ground, and untied them all.

"Jeepers Eddie. That was a close save." Roger said. "I thought for sure out goose was cooked."

Jesse untied Roger, who immediately embraced his dad, and once (Y/n) was free, Eddie pulled her into a hug.

"I love you, uncle Eddie." (Y/n) whispered.

"I love you too, kid." Eddie replied.

The moment was interrupted by the wailing of sirens as the police and Benny entered the factory.

"Sister Mary Francis! What the hell happened in here?! I've been a cab for 37 years, and I've never seen a mess like this."

The Lieutenant stepped out of the car along with Delores, and the Toons from ToonTown poked their heads through the hole made by the machine.

"What was that? A rubber mask?" Delores asked.

"Yeah. And this is the rope from the safe that was dropped on Acme. I think your lab boys will find that paint's a perfect match." Eddie said, tossing a rope to Santiago.

"Judge Doom killed Marion Acme." Santiago muttered in disbelief.

"And R.K. Maroon. And my brother." Eddie added.

"That's what I call one seriously disturbed Toon." Santiago commented.

Delores looked down at Eddie's shirt and noticed it was stained blue.

"What's that?"

Eddie looked down. "That's the ink Acme sprayed me with. Why it's coming out now, I have no idea."

"Here's your answer Eddie." Roger held up a bottle of the ink. "Acme's Disappearing and Reappearing Ink. Boy that Acme. What a genius!"

"Applesauce!" Baby Herman shouted. "If she was such a genius, why didn't she leave her will where we could find it? Without it, we're just waiting for another developer's wrecking ball."

Eddie felt around his coat and pulled out the Roger's letter.

"Roger, that letter you wrote to Jesse in the Ink and Paint Club...why don't you read it now?" Eddie said, handing him the letter.

Roger held up the paper, accept it wasn't just a letter to Jesse. It was Marvin Acme's will written in invisible ink.

"'I, Marvin Acme of sound mind and body''s the will!"

"Keep reading." Eddie encouraged.

"'Do hereby bequeath in perpetuity the property known as ToonTown to those lovable characters, the Toons!'"

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