Chapter 101: Passing Out the Gifts

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The young couple were happily walking around Damian's art room when a soft knock came at the door. "Master Damian. Miss Marinette. Dinner will be ready shortly. Miss Gordon will also be joining us tonight."

"We'll be right down, Alfred." Damian called back before turning his attention back to the bluenette. "I guess we should be going."

"I guess we should." She looked back at a painting that looks to be of Batman looking off into the distance towards the bat signal. "I really enjoy looking at all these paintings though."

"I'll be sure to give you a key to this room sometime." Damian gently took her hand and started to walk towards the exit.

"But this is your space. I wouldn't want to come in here uninvited."

"You're welcome here any time, Angel." He opens the door and locks it behind them. "You will never be uninvited."

"I'm starting to think you like me or something, boy wonder." She joked.

"What gave it away?" He laughed.

"Hmm... I don't know." She tapped her chin in thought. "It's a real mystery, isn't it?" She giggled.

"Might it have something to do with the fact that we are soulmates?" Damian grinned at her.

"That must be it." She snapped her fingers. "You're such a genius."

By the time they made it into the dining room, they were laughing hysterically at their own jokes.

"Something funny?" Barbara smiled at the couple as they walked in.

"We are just joking around." Marinette answered back.

"Damian? Joking around?" Gar shook his head. "I don't think I'm ever going to get used to this."

"Oh, the food is here." Kori clapped as Alfred brought out plates of food to set on the dining room table.

Tim and Jason still had a bit of an annoyed face as they waited for all the ladies to get their food first. Eventually though, everyone was happily eating and chatting.
"The food was wonderful as always, Alfred." Barbara smiled at the butler as he gathered up all of the dishes.

"Thank you, Miss Gordon."

"Oh, by the way" Marinette spoke up. "I have some gifts for you guys. I figured that since Barbara is here, I might as well pass them out."

"We love watching people open gifts!" Gar looked over to his girlfriend. "Isn't that right Raven?"

"Yeah." Raven nodded.

"You made gifts for all of us?" Selina asked.

"Well not everyone but I already talked to those that I didn't make one for and they were okay with this. I just wanted to show you all how thankful I am that you all accepted me into this family and I figured that I would show my thanks the only way I know how."

"That's very kind of you, Marinette." Bruce smile at the small girl. "But you didn't have to do this."

"I know. But I wanted to." The bluenette stood up from her seat. "I'm going to go grab everything. I'll meet you all in the living room."

Before anyone could ask anymore questions, she was already out of the room in a flash.

"I guess we should head for the living room then." Bruce stood up. "She's quite excited."

"Well she has been working on all of our gifts for a while." Damian said as he and the rest of the crew followed Bruce out.

Everyone found themselves a seat and began to all talk amongst themselves as they waited for Marinette to return. It only took about a minute but eventually the bluenette came strolling in with a large bag in her hand.

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