the best day with you.

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"It's what?" I asked nervously as I awaited the answer that would change our lives forever.

"Congratulations Ethan and Marie, you two are going be having a beautiful baby girl." she replied as she proceeded to remove her rubber gloves. I felt tears come to my eyes.

 "Ethan, it's a girl." I excitedly smiled, he came right to my side and hugged me.

"I'm going to be a daddy, of a little girl. This is the best day of my life."

"And I'm going to be a mommy." I replied.

"Okay, let's get this goo off of you and get you two on your way." The nurse then begun to wipe my belly. I'm overjoyed; Ethan came to help me up. We proceeded down the hall back out to the waiting room to check out.

"Marie, Congratulations on the baby girl. Are you free later this week? Dr. Mandy asked to see you again." Her question came as a surprise, what could she possible want to see me for again this week?

After scheduling my next appointment we made our way to leave, I spotted Zoey still waiting in the same seat, I mouthed 'good luck' to her. A nervous smile spread across her lips, she looked at the ground and nodded.

"I can't believe were having a girl!" Ethan shouted and jumped around the parking lot, I just stood there, shook my head, and laughed.

"Ethan, quiet down we're at a doctor's office." I shouted as I ran over to him, he picked me up and spun me around. But not for very long,

"Ethan, Ethan stop. Put me down." He continued to spin me, "Ethan, I'm gonna be sick." After that he put me down, but it was too late. I emptied my stomach onto the pavement. Ethan held my hair back and rubbed circles on my back.

"Baby, I'm so sorry." He tried to comfort me.  I coughed out the last of it, spit, and begun to cry. I sat on the curb and placed my head on my right knee and sighed. Ethan let out a deep breath and threw his head back.

"I'm sorry, Marie." He said and came over to where I was sitting. He stretched out his hand expecting me to take it, I just looked at it and smacked it away. I stood up on my own and waddled to the car, Ethan ran up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. He kissed my neck tenderly, I giggled.

"Ethan, that tickles." I pulled away, he spun me around and kissed my lips passionately, "I want some food. Can we get food?" I whispered as I traced his soft lips with my pointer finger.

"Anything you want princess." He slid his hand down to my palm and interlocked our fingers. He pulled me along to the car, before I got into the car I stopped dead in my tracks. A huge smile spread across my lips, "What? Marie, what's going on?" Ethan asked with fear, I pulled him over towards me so we were toe to toe. I grabbed his hands and placed them on my belly, he looked at me confused for a second.

"Just wait a second, be patient." I whispered, nothing was happening yet, I had to get excited again.

"Kiss me again, or get me excited and say we're getting food." A devious smile light up his face, I bit my lip. He kept his hands around my belly as he leaned down and kissed me. He kissed me like he's never kissed me before, he bit my bottom lip softly. I smiled as I felt our baby kicking around, he stopped kissing me and his eyes widened. He felt her moving.

"Is that her?" He asked. I laughed and he knew my reply to his obvious question. "So we just need to get you excited whenever I want to feel her kick. That will be easy, you're easy to turn on." He laughed and proceeded to his side of the car, I smacked his butt and shot him a quick wink.

We drove down our street, pulling into the driveway. I finished my French fries from McDonalds,

"You know-" I started to say as I finished my fry, "I need to call my mum soon, she doesn't know I'm pregnant or we're married. You need to tell your mum too, we really haven't told anybody." I laughed at our secret.

"I'm just scared. My mum already doesn't like me that much after she made me move out. I haven't really talked to her since that day." He said frozen looking out the windshield.

"Let's go over there tonight then, love. She needs to be told, we can have dinner with her." he shook his head at my idea and got out of the car. He didn't come over to my side to let me out, he just walked inside. I sat there and pulled out my phone, I skimmed down to my mum's contact and dialed it. The bloody ring almost made me go mad.

"Hi, Marie darling! I haven't heard from you in a while, how are you doing?" I laughed, I haven't heard my mum's voice in a long time.

"I know, I'm sorry I haven't called. Ethan and I are doing fine, we want to come visit you." Those words just rolled off the tip of my tongue, before I could take them back she had said ok.

"I'll order the tickets and send them to you right away, think of it as a super early birthday present." She giggled. My mum and step dad moved to Brisbane a few months ago and I've been dying to go see her. This will be the perfect time to tell her about our baby, now all we need is a name...

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