Ch 1 - New Beginnings

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That's all I could do as I looked at the dreamboat known as Oliver Carey, my ex-boyfriend. His perfect locks looked like they were glowing from the sunlight on them. He looked adorable as he tried to pay attention to Mrs Darby, something I should probably be doing, but obviously he's a better sight than the sixty ancient year old woman in question.

Why hasn't she retired again?

The school bell sounded and everyone packed away their belongings with some enthusiastic speed, while I took my merry time. It's not like I was excited about leaving the class for lunch. I haven't been excited about anything for the past year. It's only the second week of my senior year.

With my things packed, I headed for the library, but of course fate wouldn't let me get there in peace. If anything, it looked set out to get me there in pieces as I went flying in the student filled hallway. Those around me started laughing as though this was the funniest thing they'd ever witnessed.

"Aaaaw, is little Elle upset?" my former best friend Jessie cooed, her cronies snickering behind her. She had tripped me, because you know, it's the classy thing to do.

I simply chose to ignore her, and instead moved to pick my stuff up. I was stopped by the excruciating pain that shot through my left hand. I stared down at it, watching the blood ooze out of my hand. I can't even compare the pain to anything.

"Damnit! I got blood on my shoe!" Jessie huffed, checking her stiletto.

The very stiletto that just pierced the back of my hand.

"It wouldn't have happened if this freak wasn't a part of our school!" Harper, Jessie's sidekick chirped.

Jessie smirked. "You know what? You're right! Elle should just do the world a favour and disappear!"

I clutched my bleeding hand, tears stinging behind my eyes. I wouldn't let them see me cry as I bit my lip to prevent from doing so. People were dispersing, and the gods must've heard my pleas because Jessie and her friends left as well. Oliver followed his evil girlfriend without even sparing me a glance.

Yes, Oliver is Jessie's boyfriend, as clichés would have it.

No one helped me up or helped me to gather my things. I had to do with one hand, before finally managing to get myself to the nurse's office. I had become quite acquainted with this place, but never with an injury like this one. Nurse Jacqueline's eyes widened when I walked in.

"What happened?" she asked, rushing over to me.

Unfortunately, that's when the wooziness kicked in. I could feel myself swaying, and the room was spinning a little. I think I managed to get out a few words, but I couldn't be sure. The last thing that met me was darkness.


"Noelle," I heard someone call.

I opened my eyes, blinking a few times from the brightness. When my eyesight had adjusted, my aunt was looking at me worriedly. Standing next to her, was the man I assumed was my doctor. I tried to sit up and accidentally used my injured hand to push me up, resulting in me screaming out from the pain.

"I'm so sorry Miss Solano. Are you okay?" the doctor asked.

That's a trick question, right?

Despite the stupid question, I managed to mumble, "I'm fine."

"Noelle, what happened?" my aunt asked.

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