Ch 17 - Sweet Sixteen For Who

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"Please, have a seat," Franco said, gesturing to one of the seats. He had just cleared the room so that we could talk.

That was of course after I was body searched for any bugs or tech.

"I prefer to stand. I just need to know whether or not you'll help me," I replied.

He shrugged. "I'm still curious as to why you would come to me for help. There are a lot more people you could've gone to for this."

I leaned against the wall. "None of them have the tech that you do. Plus, I figured I'd do you a favour by bringing myself to you, in return for the favour I'm asking."

"It's no wonder you're so highly acclaimed. However, after Venezuela, I was sure you'd want me dead," he commented with a raised eyebrow.

"Firstly, I don't live in the past. Secondly, were you hoping to get to me before I get to you? Thirdly, if I wanted you dead, you'd be dead. You have no idea how many opportunities I've had to kill you. Lastly, I have bigger fish to fry," I said, playing it cool.

"Again, I see why you're the best. How may I be of assistance?" he asked.

"What I want to know first is why you were after me," I responded.

He raised an eyebrow. "How do you know that I was after you?"

Six told me.

"I hacked into Six's system," I replied with a shrug.

His eyes widened a little. "You hacked my system?"

"I take it you designed the system," I said amusedly.

He nodded. "I designed all the new systems for the organization. I designed it to only be hack-able by me."

"It was pretty elementary," I deadpanned.

I'm too good at this.

"Geez, just how good are you?" he mumbled. When I sent him a smirk, he knew I'd heard him.

"I was honestly looking for you to kill you. I was pretty convinced that you mean something to Six," he admitted.

I raised an eyebrow. "And now that you know that I don't?"

He smirked and leaned forward. "Well now you have an ally in me."

"Good! Tell me what you know about me and what's going on in the agency in relation to me," I requested.

I sat down and put my feet on the table as I listened to the man tell me everything he knew about this Zero person. From what I gathered, Zero has been deemed M.I.A by the organization, except Franco, and some of the other agents, believe that he or she has gone rogue. Franco reached this conclusion by tying crimes to things Zero had been investigating.

Not only did I learn that Zero was M.I.A, but I learnt that he or she had been there since they were a baby, making them the only agent recruited by the organization from that young an age. Franco suspects that it is because he or she is the child of one of the big bosses of the organization.

I got Franco to give me intel on some of his other projects. For a man who is so feared, and supposedly smart, he trusted this situation too easily. Or maybe I'm doubting him. Either way, something wasn't right about the way in which he was handling this situation.

He looked lost in thought for a moment. "What is it?"

"I'm just wondering how you got away from Six. I hate the guy, but even I can't deny that he's good," he said.

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