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The choatic country side sirens can be heard there stood Kim Namjoon with all his regrets everything felt like shattered he never thought this gonna happens ...

"Mr. Kim I'm sorry he is no more so please let us investigate it's a suicide case".

Was the last thing Namjoon heard he broke into heafty tears because he knows his brother can't suicide he is strongest bunny boy he had in his life ..he regret everything he did with the poor boy and now he couldn't forgave himself..

Two years later~~

"I'm sorry Kookie forgave me ".

There stood the Kim Namjoon who regrets his life now..he is now successful as he wanted but have nothing called happiness in his life...

Because all he had was the certain bunny boy ..

He stood there infront of the grave of his beloved brother which was in there garden which jungkook grown himself...

"I did what you  asked me once here is your garden this is the least I could do for you to cherish your love for me to cherish our brotherhood".

He said before slipping a flower bouquet and cake on his grave mumbling..

"Happy birthday bunny"

Cherish the love you have maybe from brother friends, or parents or lover because not everyone is born to love but if you have someone loving you just love them with the fullest even though they betray you , in the last they should be regretting because they lost the gem who cherished them equally...

Jungkook had love taehyung passionately and harder but taehyung betrayed him but in last taehyung regretted everything because he realised that he did love him....


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