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I was dragged out of my home against my will

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I was dragged out of my home against my will. Hinata had burst into my room like a wild banshee, causing a ruckus whilst throwing clothes at me. I tried to resist but I failed quite miserably. And that is how I ended up in a booth at McDonalds surrounded by 3 grown ass men who I was currently busy ignoring.

I shoved a french fry in my mouth, angrily glancing between all of my three comrades. Tugging at my plaid pajama pants I pulled my knees into my chest with lidded, siren eyes.

"Y/n you look mad," Hinata grimaced with wide eyes. I resisted the urge to punch him and hug him at the same time. Damn, those big brown eyes are playing tricks on me. Kenma sat across from me in the booth with a nonchalant, bland look. His eyes are watching Hinata and I interact with lazy eyes.

"C'mon, stop being an emo loser and have some fun," Kuroo chimed in. Ruffling his messy hair as he tossed a fry at my forehead. I sat stunned for a moment before narrowing my eyes again.

"If a pimple shows up right there tomorrow, I'm killing you."

"Puh-lease, you'd be too lazy to get up from your bed to kill me," Kuroo spoke and then shoved a chicken nugget in his mouth. Kenma glanced between us and then rolled his eyes, "Besides, I'm too handsome to be killed."

"Wanna bet money on it?" I gritted my teeth. Kuroo laughed as I exhaled heavily, giving up on my whole menacing act and stuffing 5 fries in my mouth.

Hinata grabbed a strand of my hair, braiding it between his pale slender fingers like a piece of twine. I simply watched out of the corner of my eye. It wasn't out of the ordinary for Hinata to be this touchy, nor was it odd for him to randomly start playing with my hair. It was just something he did and I was not one to complain. I took it as an act of love; something that had to do with his love language. It was quite cute, honestly.

I glanced at the two boys that sat across from me. Kuroo talking to Kenma with animated hand motions and a loud, boisterous laugh. However, Kenma stared directly at the ginger and I. His piercing golden eyes shooting glass into mine. It wasn't a glare but it definitely wasn't a simple glance.

For a moment we held the stare, nonchalant without expression. That same puttering in my chest appeared again. My cheeks flushed and I found myself covering my mouth, turning away to look at Hinata. Hinata gasped as I accidentally yanked the braid out of his hands and it unraveled quickly against my shoulder.

"Shit, sorry," I muttered as he huffed and started to rebraid, "I go- I got something in my eye."

"It's fine," Hinata smiled. A good thing about him was he never held a grudge.

I smiled back. But I found myself lingering back to stare at the blonde boy across the table. His eyes were no longer barring knives into me but placed on the food tray before him. His black painted nails swirl across the red tray with careful gestures.

Suddenly I felt a bit anxious about my current outfit. The baggy old T-shirt I had gotten from a yard sale years ago paired with the black and white plaid pants that had a hole in the hem.

"So, Kuroo, who are you currently hooking up with right now?" I popped the question I asked every time we hung out. It seemed like a new person every week. And it also distracted me from my sudden anxiety.

He smirked and cocked his head to the side, "Actually, no one right now. I've been too busy besides sometimes it's good to be alone." I was slightly shocked, he always had a situationship going on.

"Wait, what about that one girl... Hailey-" Kenma started.

"Oh shit. I forgot about her."

I giggled and watched Kuroo backtrack and start rambling about his past hookups as if it were a normality. I suppose it was for him but it definitely wasn't for me. I often thought about what it would be like to be with someone like that. Or even just romantically involved. I'd barely gotten a taste and I sure as hell didn't get a good one.

We wrapped up the dinner as quickly as we could after realizing the McDonalds would be closing in less than 5 minutes. And now we all were saying our goodbyes in the parking lot. Since Kenma had actually driven his own car.

Kenma yawned, leaning against his rather extravagant Range Rover, "Okay, I'm going home. I feel disgusting." He popped open his car.

"You look it too-" Kuroo started but he got a swift kick in the shins from Kenma.

"Oh, Kenma can you take Y/n home?" Hinata offered with his same wide brown eyes, "You two are going in the same direction... so..."

I was a little shocked as I looked between the two boys. Kenma looked at Hinata with a slight look of distaste and something else. Maybe amusement? I wasn't quite sure because of the darkness, "Um... you don't have to."

"It would be easier," Hinata urged. What was his motive? I glared at the ginger boy, flaring my nostrils and biting my inner cheek. Yet he didn't take the hint and simply smiled sweetly before speaking again, "Of course if you are fine with it. It's just that Kuroo and need to drive this way but she lives the opposite way, closer to you."

Kenma now had that same nonchalant look on his face, "Sure, get in the car, sweetheart."

"The fuck- No, nicknames!"

"The fuck- No, nicknames!"

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