the ULTIMATE test

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The 5 warriors look forward in there dark dimension that only holds them and a door. ( i wil do each person's pov)

Pov vali

Vali looks forward and see's a gold and silver door with black claw marks as he breaths in.

I know what this most likely is and.. I.. I am no child any more. Vali says walking towards the door opening and being bathed in light until it fades and he is a kid again and his grandfather and father are infront of him

You are weak.

You are no son of mine.

The only use for you is the gear and thats all. They say as vali stays there afraid remembering all of this when he was little.

You should die but maybe your mother should go. Rizivin spoke as vali saw his other about to be stabbed with millions of swords as vali remembered.

I love you vali, your not alone brother, i will always be with you nya, see ya my rival. Vali thought of his new family and he wouldn't give up as he stood up and stopped shacking and rushed in front of the blades in his grown body again taking the hits as his aura of salvation burst out as its full power was free.

ENOUGH I WONT BE AFRAID OF YOU ANY MORE YOU BASTARD!!!! Vali screamed to the heavens and he entered balance breaker punching his father and grandfather away and firing a blast of energy at them killing them.

And soon the room faded and vali saw light and his balance breaker wasn't just white and blue it also had blacl lines across it like the door as it wrapped his chest and his arms were stll white but they also where black blue and orange instead of white and gold.

You did it partner.. Albion spoke as the room was gone and vali was in the mountain's. What i do? Vali asked. Simple you awakened your true dragon aura.. Vali you are now 1/3 human 1/3 devil and 1/3 dragon and you are the dragon emperor of supremacy and salvation who will be the god of them. Albion spoke as vali teared up seeing the new white, black and orange gear like dragon arm on his right arm with a blue and gold gem.Thanks.. Albi.. No is it ok..* sniff* if i call you brother. Vali asked as albiom teared up saying, we already are. They said as the gears turned off and they relaxed.

Pov shallot.

He was looking at a silver door but with a twin red flame design on each side and a sword in the center.

Fuck i know this. Shallot said touching his chest taking off his school clothing and putting on his armor all but the chest because we see he is touching a major stab wound that should have killed him.

The other's might get there clothing the want in the door and i might to but i need to put this on. Shallot says walking into the dimension as he opens the door.

He see's something pissing him the hell off. He see's his twin brother with his scar on the cheek and reb robes giblet being stabbed on the ground by a blue demon with swords and long silver hair and an orange coat.

Hello shallot. The demon spoke.

Hello zahha. Shallot says bursting into blue and looking at his brother.

Sh.. A.. Allet why didn't you help me. Giblet weakly says as shallot tears up.
I know this is fake but this make me feel so much sorrow and rage. Shallot thinks before getting interrupted by his brothers screams.

And i thought you cared for your brother like you did me after all we were friends. Zahha says behind shallot as he can no longer hold in his rage backing up.

Shut ths hell up i have pride like nappa and vegeta bastard. Shallot yells now in vegeta's old armor.

I wont lose to your tricks. Shallot roars unknowingly to him hus hair to gets darker blue like he goes a out beyond limits and the armor breaks into his old set of armor.

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