not so secret admirer- spencer

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Spencer was sitting on his desk, reading over some paperwork as the rest of the team filtered into the office, talking among themselves as he waited patiently for you to come through those glass doors as well, uncharacteristically late, making him sweat a little as he stole a glance at the little box he left on your desk.

It was hardly the first time he'd left something there, in fact, he'd been leaving little gifts for you since you'd been transferred to this department. It started out simple, a box of the chocolates he saw you eating on the jet, a refill of your favorite coffee, a little note inspired by the book you'd told him about while taking the elevator together, some flowers after a hard case- it was a habit by now, something he didn't need to put all that much thought into, he'd learn something new about you every day and his mind was ever willing to store that information into a little Y/n folder for when he needed it.

For a while, he'd considered that maybe you were still unaware of who it was from, unaware that the secret admirer who seemed to know you so very well was the one sharing a desk with you, the one fighting to sit next to you on missions, the one insisting on walking on the outside of the sidewalk with you, but he also had a nagging feeling that you had solved the mystery from the very beginning. You had, of course, knowing no one spent nearly enough time with you to be so perfect at spoiling you, except for Spencer, it was merely a game of chicken, who'd mention it first, who'd call the other's bluff first, who'd admit their crush first.

"Pretty boy," Derek mused, of course, the first one to pick up on Spencer's fidgeting, on his flighty behaviour. "Waiting for your crush to show up?" he teased and Spencer was close to objecting, already discarding the file in his hand to do so when you skipped into the office, smiling brightly as you handed everyone one of the lattes you picked up on your way in.

"Someone's in a good mood," Emily noted and you shrugged, lifting a finger to boop her nose as she looked between you and the travel cup in her hand.

"Drink up, Em, made it extra sweet just for you, " you said simply and she laughed lightly, giving in to the little side hug you offered her before walking up to Spencer, showing him the last cup in your carton tray, a special sticky note with instructions stuck to the side proving that you knew his very specific order by heart. "Morning, Spence," you breathed and the smile on your lips was infectious, spreading to his own lips almost instantly.

"Morning," his reply was a controlled stutter, barely keeping it together as your thigh accidentally brushed against his knee where it was resting twisted on the desk. He accepted the latte with a whispered thank you, your eager eyes and gentle swaying from the heel of your feet to your toes telling him you were waiting for him to taste, and he happily obliged, licking his lips after a quick sip.

"Did I get it right?" you demanded carefully and he was eager to nod, eager to let you know it was perfect. only making your smile larger as you giggled in satisfaction. "I made the poor lady redo it three times," you admitted and he breathed a soft laugh, honestly just entranced by the way you were looking at him, so happy, so pleased just because you got something right, something right for him. "I figured it should be perfect."

"Why is that?" he leaned forward, and so did you, bodies moving of their own accord as he rested his cup on his knee, darting his gaze over you, analyzing you, you let him.

"It's a thank you," you began, nervous now, almost looking back to see if the others were looking at you but stopping yourself, forcing yourself to push through, be brave. "For all my gifts," you explained and he couldn't help himself when he scoffed, he didn't need a thank you, it wasn't why he did it, but that smile on your face, that absolutely addicting look that made you seem all but ethereal, that's why he did it.

"You don't need to thank me, Y/n, I'm just glad you like them," he insisted and you shrugged, not thinking, not processing because even though you were sure it was him, there was that one percent chance that it wasn't and how unfathomably embarrassing would it have been if you were wrong.

"I know, " you nodded and you were moving before you could stop yourself, leaning into his chest for a quick hug, almost melting right there and then when he circled an arm around your waist, hugging you back and you were mentally screaming because he really, truly, genuinely hugged you back. "Thank you," you breathed next to his ear and you were on fire as you pulled away, smiling shyly as your cheeks spread with heat, ignoring every single comment, every daring stare as you walked to your desk.

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