Author's note

137 23 11

Dear reader,

It's this time of the year again, when writers push their work aside and try to make room in their busy schedule for ONC, the Open Novella Contest. I'm not different. Why? Well, it is the one contest on Wattpad that truly helps writers connect, exchange ideas, and push each other to new heights of creativity.

The prompt I picked this year brings me back to my roots of writing and the fantasy genre:

#49 "Master the rules of the game until you can play it better than they can." Michael Scott, "The Sorceress."

Now, I won't tell you the long story about me and the number 49. I also won't give you a summary of the extensive fantasy trilogy I based this story on. For it is a true standalone, set several years before the trilogy begins. And while we follow two characters who make an appearance 25 or 30 years later in the last part of the trilogy, we never got to know much about their background.

The prompt above reminded me of Liha, though. And perhaps he has met his Dánirah long before destiny brought them together again?

Here is the story of the lovers who were not meant to be.

Of the Dragon and the Dreamer.


PS: many thanks to those who encouraged me and believe in me. You know who you are — without you, this story never would have seen the light of dawn over the land of Kelèn.

Dragon & Dreamer | ONC 2023 honourable mentionΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα