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Valerie's POV 

He was blinded.

At first, blinded by denial. Now he is blinded by rage.

My sobs wake him up. I feel his hand moving and I quickly raise my head to see his eyes open. He isn't looking at me. He is staring at the ceiling while he is still laying on the hospital bed with an expression I can't place.

He is still as pale as ever.

I thought I was going to lose him. The thought alone made me mad and full of sorrow.

I was also blaming myself. If I hadn't put everything to him that way, maybe this wouldn't have happened.

If I hadn't said all those things which were painting his whole family as black, maybe he wouldn't be filled with so much rage and hatred for the man he has called Father for more than two decades.

I should have tread slowly and carefully with him. I should have stopped him from running out that night.

What happened two nights ago broke my heart and also made me realize how attached I am to Ryan. 

I have realized how much he means to me. When I told my father that I can't leave him because I love him, I said that out of courtesy. I said that because I wanted to be a loyal wife to him. I never knew he meant the world to me.

Now I know his worth. Now I know how lucky I am to have him.

Having him unconscious for more than a day has made me realize that. It made me remember all the efforts he made just to win me over. All the efforts he made just to make his mother happy because we thought she was dying. 

It brought tears to my eyes. 

And I prayed for the very first time in years for God to bring him back to me.

Who would have thought this thing between us would become real? If I was told I would fall head over heels for another man apart from Fred, I would have rejected it or laughed mockingly at the person suggesting such a ridiculous thing.

But now, it has happened. 

And I can't believe it.

Abruptly, he shoots upright, dragging the comforter I placed last night on his unconscious body away.

Without sparing me a glance, he looks sideways and begins to search for something while I watch agape.

He finds it.

His phone.

He begins to dial a number and I know what he wants to do. The anger is still very much present but I don't know if it is the guilt about how he treated me concerning this issue that is making him ignore me like I am not here.

"Ryan", I call out, making my presence known and holding his hand to stop him from calling whoever it is he wants to call. 

He avoids my gaze but his breathing has become so heavy with anger.

He just woke up after a long sleep and the first thing he wants to do is continue what he did that led him to become a patient in the hospital.

He acts too irrationally for my liking.

His mother is still in the hospital preparing for surgery because the poison affected an organ.

He is in the same hospital laying down here because of the same person who almost killed his mother and he wants to keep up with the irrational behavior.

Mr. Lorenzo isn't a fool. He knows what he is doing. He has been planning to do this for years. He won't give up just like that and he won't stay put just because Ryan finally knows the truth.

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