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I didn't have work today, in fact I didn't have anything to do. I haven't visited Curtis in a while. I try to blame it on my schedule being so busy but that would just be a lie.

If the roles were reversed I know he would see me.

I think about the night he was hospitalised and his life was changed for the worse. A part of me wish I allowed them to pull the plug, that's what everybody urged me to do.

I get in my car and drive to his sisters house. I feel my phone ringing as Apple Carplay pauses the music.


I contemplate wether or not I should pick up the call but I let it ring as I near to Curtis' house. I park and get out of the car to see him on the front porch with a bunch of kids surrounding him and running around him in circles.

I knew they were trying to take advantage of his.. disability but he thought it was just a game. My heart shatters at the sight.. knowing this is my fault.

"Get away from him y'all." I say sternly as they all run off, giggling and laughing.

Curtis looks at me, trying to remember who I am. Once he does he starts to smile and jump up at me. I pull him in for a massive hug and so does he.

"Amir, it's you!" He shouts and I nod, keeping a smile on my face. It hurts to see him this way, it's hurt to see him struggle to talk.

"You okay Curtis? Where's your sister at?"

"She said she's going to work and I have to be a big boy." He grins like a little kid, mentally he was one.

"You being a big boy Curt?" I chuckle and he nods excitedly.

"You want to come inside? Maya made some biscuits, you know I love some biscuits and some grits." He says as he walks into his house. I lightly pull him by the arm and he pauses.

"Nah i'm not going inside, i'm just here to check up on you." I reply and he frowns.

"You don't want to eat no biscuits with me?" He says in a low, disappointed voice.

I would love to stay for longer but I know I would need to leave before Maya comes back. She blames me for what happened to Curtis and hates me, but then again, I don't blame her.

"I promise you, next time I come we can eat some biscuits." I say as a tear slides down my cheek. I hate to see him like this.

"You crying Amir?" He asks but I shake my head and quickly wipe it away.

"Nah im good man, i'm happy to see you." I chuckle, trying to sound as enthusiastic as possible.

"I had a dream," He starts as he sits down onto the grass, playing with it. "I had a dream that I went to sleep and I woke up in heaven." He looks up to me, smiling.

"You went to heaven Curtis?" I sit down besides him onto the grass. I would've never done this but, it's Curtis.

"I did. The trumpet wasn't playing though. God came up to me, God say, 'Curtis, you gonna play the trumpet for me.' That's what God tell me." He laughs and so do I.

"You played the trumpet for God?" I reply and he nods.

"I did, I played good too. Did you hear it?" He asks me.

"I heard it, you played very good Curtis." I reply as I stand up. I put my hand out to him and I help him stand also.

"You need any money?" I ask Curtis but he shakes his head no.

"I be working, they say I do good and they tip me." He responds.

"That's good Curtis, i'm happy for you." I say as I pull him in for another hug, this time it's longer than the one before.

"You going now?" He catches up and I nod. I put my hand out to do our handshake but he looks confused.

"You don't remember our handshake?" I ask him and he shrugs. Every time I see him I expect him to remember but he never does. I can't bring myself to remind him either, it won't ever be the same.

"You want to make a new one with me?" He asks which brings another tear to my eye.

"We can make one another day," I chuckle and so does he. "I'll see you later Curtis." I look at him once more before walking to my car.

He gives me a wave from the window and so do I before driving off. A 22 year old man who talks and acts like he's 9. All because of me.

I need some fucking weed.

So we met Curtis. Curtis is basically based off of Gabriel Maxson from Fences if you're confused on how he acts like.

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