February 10th 2023

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       7:23AM: Its the day of the field trip! Its currently 7:23 in the morning but my little brother isnt ready yet. We should be heading out by 7:30. I really hope im with my friends! And after that, only 3 hours pass before going to the dance, Wish me luck!

~Vex 🪐🐾

      4:22PM: The zoo was awesome! It was fun but REALLY hot lol. I went with a couple of friends. Sadly there wasnt any canines so I couldn't really connect with my theriotype. BUT, when we were in the bus, driving there, i felt like i was home. It was a forest-like/jungle-like. My theriotype lives in plains, its wierd. I feel connected to outside in general. Anyways, im going to the dance in  3 hours! My little brother is already getting ready because his dance is at 5:00PM. We saw alot of animals and uh yeah, if you didnt know, im a HUGEEEEE reptile fan!!! I love them so much!! There was a litle house-like-cabin-thing filled with reptiles, i loved it! I also got a lil alligator squeaky toy, a bear figure made out of wax, and an alligator water bottle! ^^ Im not sure what to talk about so see you guys again when im getting ready!


      6:14PM: AHHH its time!! Im gonna get ready!! Im not sure what to wear... uhh i guess ill gigure it out! Anyways im gonna get ready and head out! Next time: around 9:20PM


      9:27PM: Im back! Im not feeling so well though.. i literally have the urge to cry. The party was AWESOME!! I really liked everything, it was great! The food was awesome! I really really enjoyed my stay. On the other hand, on Wednesday or something, my BEST BEST BEST BEST (Best-est friend even though i know thats not a word, hehe) told me she might be leaving the school. I really love her (yeah, im gay but like not "LOVE-LOVE", as a friend). It really made me sad and when she was crying for some reason it just didn't feel right. When we went to the pick-up area place. Somebody started crying (ALOT) and yeah, we were just like there, and uhh upset i guess hehe. I really hope she doesn't leave the school. I feel like she wont but im still really scared. If she doesn't leave the school, ill tell you guys on Monday! Love you, bye! <3

Signing off,


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