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John moved to Sherlock's room and leaned in the doorway, listening to whatever conversation the consulting detective was happening. Sherlock instantly snapped the phone off and stood, looking coldly at John.

"You okay?" John asked.

"Yes." Sherlock said, then stepped forward and closed the door in John's face.

The living room was quiet as everyone passed around their gifts, leaving Sherlock's in a small pile under the tree.

Molly got a call almost immediately after opening her gifts and apologized as she gathered her things. "It's Barts. They've asked me to come in. I'm so sorry about this."

"It's alright, Molly. We understand." John assured her, helping her gather her things.

About fifteen minutes later, Greg was in the middle of opening his gift from Melody when Sherlock stomped out of the flat without a word.

Everyone exchanged looks and wordlessly decided to pack everything up. Melody got Greg out safely, making sure he was in his cabs before going back upstairs.

As she entered the main room, she looked at John. Her face finally fell as the events of the evening caught up with her. John couldn't help but frown as he observed her face. The light that had been in her eyes earlier was gone, and she just looked exhausted and hurt.

She opened her mouth to speak, but a familiar ring tone cut through the silence first. She picked up her mobile and tapped the screen to answer.

"Happy Christmas, Croft." She said, training her voice to sound much happier and brighter than she felt. She walked into the kitchen and put on a kettle as she spoke.

"Melody, I know you're not even close to being happy right now. Sherlock is on his way to Bart's. Irene Adler's body has been brought in. They're asking him to identify her." Mycroft stated, trying to be gentle.

"Why does he need to do that? Can literally anyone else do it? Her face is rather difficult to misidentify." Melody huffed, no longer feigning happiness.

"Her face is, regrettably, destroyed. Her identification requires... the confirmation of alternate physical attributes."

"Speak plainly, Croft, I don't have it in me to decode your riddles tonight."

"He has been asked to identify her by her measurements. The ones he observed while the three of you were in her presence while she was disrobed."

Melody felt her stomach turn and closed her eyes. Why tonight? Why Christmas? Things had been going so well, and now it was all in shambles.

"I know you've all had a rough night, Melody, but I need you and John to do something." Mycroft said after a few minutes of silence.

"What is it?" She asked in a quiet voice.

"Check for drugs. I fear we may be headed into dangerous territory and I do not fancy watching him relapse."

"Yeah. Yeah, we'll check. Just call John when you have an update for us." She said, turning to look at John and Jeanette as they sat on the couch.

"I shall. Thank you, Melody. I know that this is not ideal, but I assure you I am infinitely appreciative of your assistance."

"No problem. Goodnight, Croft."

"Good night, Melody. Happy Christmas."

She ended the call and walked over to John. "Sorry to interrupt, but I need to snag John for a few."

John excused himself and walked to the kitchen with Melody.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

"Doesn't matter right now. Listen, Myroft asked us to have a look round the flat. It might be a danger night." She informed him.

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