Chapter 6

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As I entered the hotel room, I put my stuff down and called for room service. I hadn't eaten anything since the flight, and now I was starving. I took a quick shower before the food arrived, and twenty minutes later, I finally sat down to have my dinner.

As I ate, I thought about Gabriel. Gabriel and I used to be really close until I had stupidly confessed my love to him six years ago. That is the last time he spoke to me. He thought I was a shameless person loving my own sister's boyfriend. But the truth is I never knew.

I had confessed my love after I had come home from a month long field trip I had taken at the time for college.

The time apart had made me realise how strong my feelings were towards him, and I didn't want to be without him anymore.

Unknown to me, that month, Gabriel and my sister had gotten a lot closer, and they had started dating. Just before I had arrived, Gabriel had proposed to Sarah, and she had accepted.

Apparently, they had always had feelings towards each other, and since they had known each other for so long, they didn't have any reason not to get married. Crazy I know.

But in the mix of all that I got accused of hitting on my sister's fiance, something I had no clue about and lost not only my love, but my closest friend and also ended up in humiliation when his mother and cousin had come up to me laughing at my pain.

Gabriel was such a handsome man, why in the world would he be interested in me they had said.

Me, someone who dressed in overalls all day and kept my hair in a bun, wore thick framed glasses, and wouldn't know how to use makeup to save my life.

Those were cruel words, but they were true. I couldn't hold a candle to my gorgeous sister. With her smooth, silky blond hair and flawless skin. She was always dressed in pretty clothes while I dressed for comfort. I looked like a drowned rat compared to her.

So I had left them. I couldn't watch them together. It's unhealthy for my heart. I needed to move on. And get away from my humiliation as well. Start over.

I had confronted my sister before I left and she had told me  that everything had happened so fast and she had been waiting for me to come home to tell me everything. I can't blame her for that.

I blame Gabriel, though. He didn't think twice before he thought the worst of me. I mean, I deserved to know about his relationship with my sister from him as well. We were supposed to be friends.

Not good enough friends, apparently since he didn't tell me and also thought the worst of me without even knowing that I didn't know about them.

It's been six years, and he still never bothered to clear things out and never had any contact with me again.

So now, there was no way I am accepting his care or whatever he called it by offering me rides. I am staying away from him. He had made it clear that even though he had married my sister and was my brother in law, I was not family to him. So now that my sister was gone, he can never be family to me.

Livy and Bella are my family. I have no one else. I have no room in my life for anyone else.

With this determination, I finished my dinner, settled down on the bed, and fell asleep.

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