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           I stayed in my laying position for a while opening my eyes frequently to look around the room checking for any cameras. A man has walked in two different times in the twenty minute timespan that Aleksei has left. I made sure to keep count. He's come in every ten minutes like clock work coming over to look at me checking if I was still breathing or sleeping I made sure to give away no indication that I was already awake. As I looked around I didn't see any cameras matter of fact the room looked like a regular modern bedroom with just a window, dresser, and bed. When the man leaves the third time I jump up looking around one more time making sure there wasn't something in the room I missed but I see nothing. I'm still in my outfit from the party thank god and I reach down and take my high heels off and pull the heels out the bottoms traveling two knives I can now thank Aria for her crazy fashion sense. I make sure to keep the heels off to make sure I don't make any unnecessary noises and stand by the door and lean my ear against it trying to hear for anything. I can hear what sounds like one man on the other side watching tv but I couldn't be to sure it could be three of them out there for all I know. I can hear what sounds like the man walking up to the door so I quickly lean myself against the wall as much as possible and as soon as he walked into the room he walked over the the makeshift body I had under the blankets I made sure to walk up behind him with stealth and tap him on the shoulder making him whip around. I don't spare another second before I slit his throat causing his hands to shoot up and try to hold the gaping hole. His eyes were wide with terror and surprise not expecting me to be wide awake and coherent I send him a crazed smile putting my bloody finger over my mouth. "Shhhh." I let out in a whisper. I feel like I'm close to my breaking point-on the verge of snapping. I push him over into the bed before grabbing his gun tucked in his waist. I make sure to tuck one of the knives between my breasts keeping the other one one my right hand and gun in left. I make my way out the door and find a hallway with a small table with a tv on it and a rusty chair but I haven't seen anyone else yet. I look up in the corner of the halls trying to find cameras but see nothing. Why so unsecure? I round a corner and come next to an open doorway I hear hear what sounds like the voices of two men inside I try to take a small peak to see inside and find one of them walking in my direction he has yet to see me so I quickly pull back my heart is racing I feel like it's about to bust out of my chest. As soon as the man walks around the corner I stab him in the side of the head killing him instantly and his body falls on me taking me by surprise almost making us both dropping to the floor. I managed to get him on the ground without drawing the attention of the other man in the room. With my adrenaline on high I walk into the room and find a large bald man on the phone he must have hear me come in because he turns around and frowns upon seeing me. "What the fuc-." I cut his sentence short with a knife between his eyes. He drops his phone and falls back into the couch I walk over to him and pull the knife out of his head I whip the knife on his shirt cleaning some of the blood off before turning around and making my way back down the hall. I'm not sure what my plan was right now but I do know that I don't want a fucking soul to be alive when I leave here today. I will be going home to my family no matter who I have to kill.
  I walk for a few minutes mindlessly not knowing where the fuck I'm going I was just praying to God that Lorenzo would find me before Aleksei could do something or take me away from here. I walk into another open room seeing a man leaned over a coffee table cleaning off guns his back was turned toward me thankfully so I threw the knife stringing him in the back of the head causing him to drop dead on top off the table. The man walking out the bathroom beside me takes me by surprise as he runs up beside me giving me a hard shove causing me to drop the gun. I turn to him to see him giving me a creepy smile. He was buff but not that big. I could take him. We circle each other as I size him up he chuckles at this shaking his head. "We both know that you're not going to get out of this. Aleksei said we couldn't kill you." I smile smacking my teeth giving my head a light shake. "That's unfortunate for you because I'm going to kill you." This pisses him off as he growls and comes barreling toward me with no protective stance. I may be smaller than him but thats what makes me quicker and I use that to my advantage as he tries swinging and I dodge it sending an uppercut to his chin making his lip bust open. He spits blood out in the floor and flares up at me sending me a bloody smile. "You fucked up bitch." He comes running at me and I quickly turn to the side as he got close to me side stepping him making him run past me. It's clear they had no idea what they were really getting into and who they were dealing with. "You know When we get through with you we're going to go after that family of yours. I mean come on do you really think Aleksei would let that bastard of yours live?" He lets out a crazed laugh making my blood boil. He takes my momentary distraction at the mention of my family to come running up on me grabbing me by the hair slamming me down on the ground. I turn on my back and send a hard kick to his stomach knocking the air out of him while he is trying to catch his breath I jump up and tackle him to the ground. He sends a punch to the side of my head making my vision go splotchy black dots started to take over my site but I fought it shaking my head. He uses this to his advantage by flipping us over and climbing on top of me his legs on either side of my waist. He wraps his hands around my throat squeezing as tight as he can cutting off my air. I scratch at his hands trying to pull them off of me but to no avail I can feel myself slowly slipping and losing consciousness. I knee him in the balls and his grip on me loosens allowing me take to a breath of air and as he is holding his tiny balls. I take the knife that I had hidden between my breast out and start stabbing it into his body repeatedly not caring where I was stabbing him. He tried fighting me and push me back down in the ground but quickly lost the battle when I took the knife and slit his throat making blood gush all over me getting in my eyes and mouth. His body slumps on top of mine once he finally dies and I push him over onto the floor laying beside him on my back taking  some much needed breaths staring up at the ceiling. My head is throbbing and I feel like my wind pipe has been crushed not to mention I think I've been cut on my leg considering the blood that was leaking out. "Well this is an interesting site to see." Came the voice of Aleksei from the doorway. I jump up and hold the knife up I know I look like a character from a scary movie completely unrecognizable with my body drenched in blood of the men I just murdered I thought I would feel fear or panic but I felt nothin that was until I set my eyes on Aleksei. "Don't come any closer." I warn when I seen him trying to walk into the room he stops at the man that I just killed and kicked his body before looking up at me with a raised brow. "You've killed my men." He states the obvious not caring that I have a knife pointed at him. "No shit." Came my snarky remark and I can tell it made him irritated by the way his eye twitched but he remained calm. "I was good to you. I treated you like a queen but all you were was an ungrateful bitch but that's okay we're going to fix that problem soon enough. You're not getting away from me this time not alive at least." He shrugs stepping over the dead body walking over to the sofa that was in the room and sitting down poring himself something to drink. Him acting so calm and collected was starting to kiss me the fuck off. "Why am I here Aleksei? Cant you just move on already? I'm sure there are women out there that want you. I have a family that I want to get back to." His top lip curls at the mention of Lorenzo and Gianni but he remains silent for a minute the tension in the room was building it was already strong enough you could cut it with a knife.  "Why him?" He ignored everything I just told him and asked the most random question. "What are you talking about?" I frown and he growls slamming his hand down in the table. "Why the fuck do you want a family with him and not with me?" His voice started to raise and it was now my turn to remain silent. "You were good to me at first but you turned into a monster you killed my family. How the fuck did you expect me to react? I mean for fuck sake you raped me Aleksei do you not understand that? I mean I knew Lorenzo was a monster before I met him he showed me all his true colors from the beginning. I knew what I was getting myself into when I got with him." I can't believe I have to explain to this lunatic why he's a bad person and why I chose someone that makes me feel safe. "It was never going to be you." This remark sends him over the edge as he jumps over the coffee table and runs up to be. I try to turn around and make a run for it but to no avail. His hand grabs the back of my hair and yanks me down the the ground. It feels like he's ripped a chunk of my hair out but I barely have time to focus on that when he straddles my waist. He pushes the hair that was stuck to my face due to the blood out of the way and stares down at me. "All you had to do was love me. Everything would have been easier for you now I see it's going to have to be the hard way." He gave me a promise that made my stomach sink with fear but I don't let it show on my face. He leans down and presses his lips to mine I make sure to keep my lips closed tightly, and this seems to piss him off as he grabs my bruised jaw tightly off  making me cry out and uses that as a opportunity to stick his tongue in my mouth. The taste of vodka lingers in his tongue and makes vomit form in the pig of my stomach. His kisses were no where near comparable to Lorenzo's who made me feel safe and secure when all Aleksei makes me feel is dread and fear. His body being ripped off mine has me gasping for air. I look up and see Lorenzo throwing Aleksei against a wall Before landing some hard bows to his stomach. It takes Aleksei a moment to realize that Lorenzo was standing in front of him. I can see the genuine confusion on his face wondering how Lorenzo found me. I was wondering the same thing but didn't care as long as I was going home with him. Aleksei starts trying to fight back but Lorenzo looks like he's a completely different person I've seen him mad but to see this is way different. He was being powered by pure rage the punches Aleksei was trying to throw at him was either being dodged or he was eating them like they weren't even  fazing him. Lorenzo tackles Aleksei over a desk knocking everything over in their path. Once he was on top of him he started throwing blow after blow to his face. After a few minutes Aleksei body went limp on the ground I take the opportunity to walk up to Lorenzo and put my hand in his shoulder. He whips around with wide eyes but calms down once he sees me he runs over to me and wraps his arms tightly around me. I ignore the pain that's shooting through my body from all the fighting and enjoy the feeling of being in his arms. I pull away and open my mouth to speak but a cold hand on my forearm ripping me out of Lorenzo's grasps has me shutting my mouth. I look to my right and see Aleksei standing with a gun help to the side of my head and a smile on his face but thanks to Lorenzo he was missing a couple of teeth. "Come any closer and she dies." This stops Lorenzo mid step he keeps his focus on me I can see the clear panic behind his eyes but his face gave nothing away. "Let her go this is between you and me." Lorenzo tries to reason with him but he shakes his head holding the gun tighter into my head. "No this is all beaches of her." He waves the gun around before putting it back against my head. "Leave her here with me and I'll let you walk out of here alive but if you take another fucking step I will blow her fucking head off." He screams enact to my ear making me wince he wraps his arm around my neck to keep me securely against him. "So what's it going to be?" He asked Lorenzo who has remained calm and yet to utter a word. His quietness was the calm before the storm. He looks at Aleksei and send him a smile before shaking his head. "This is kind of pathetic don't you think? I mean we both know who she wants but yet you can't let her go it's sad to watch really." Lorenzo starts laughing and I can feel Aleksei body start to shake with rage. "Let her go and me and you finish this." He says and I can feel Aleksei hold on me loosen and I took it as an opportunity to elbow him hard in the stomach making him hunch over in pain. I run over to Lorenzo and wrap my arms around him his smell calming my nerves. Aleksei recovers quickly and stands back up pointing the gun at both of us with unfathomable rage. He spits out a tooth on the floor before looking putting his eyes back on us. "If you won't live with me then you will die with him." Aleksei cocks the gun as Lorenzo puts me behind him shielding me from Aleksei. I squeeze my eyes close tightly waiting for whatever is about to happen to us to come. The sound of a gun going off in this small room has my ear ringing. When I don't feel any pain I open my eyes and look around Lorenzo who was still standing in front of me. Aleksei still had the gun in his hand but his eyes grew wide and large amounts of blood started spewing out of his mouth making him drop the gun and fall ti his knees. His eyes remained in me until he fell forward on the floor. I looked at Lorenzo to see him looking at the doorway I frown and look in the same direction and the site in front of me has my voice caught in my throat. "Long time huh little sister." He smiled showing off the same dimples I remember all those years ago. I can't be it's really him. He looks the same after all these years only slightly older and more mature like he's seen some things that changed him. My mouth kept gaping open and close I couldn't find words to say. "Gianni." I whispered before everything went black.

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