chapter forty

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Campus was mostly bare during Thanksgiving break. Most students had gone home for the holiday to be with their families.

Iris knew that home was where she should be. Yet, she was on her college campus, cooped up in her apartment, ignoring her mom's texts and calls.

Despite this, Iris kind of liked the emptiness of campus. She had never witnessed it like this, as it was usually full and bustling with students. Iris had a certain calm state of mind from being on a mostly empty college campus. It felt like her life was on pause, which was something she needed more than anything.

Iris spent most of her time watching movies, studying for finals that were just around the corner, and taking more shifts at the gym, which remained open for students on campus during the break.

It was the Friday after Thanksgiving when Iris wandered into the campus gym. She had her earphones plugged in as usual, listening to some jazz music as she strolled around.

The gym, like most other places on campus, was basically empty. Iris liked this. The atmosphere was relaxed, and she was less likely to get into trouble with her manager for slacking.

Iris took out her phone at one point, scrolling through Twitter. She made her way into the weight room, which appeared empty. Iris lay on a yoga mat, deciding to nap there until her shift was over. Iris switched the music she was playing through her earphones into soft lo-fi before placing her phone beside herself and closing her eyes.

For a few moments, it was peaceful. Iris' mind was clear, devoid of any thoughts, which wasn't something Iris had experienced in a while. Her breathing was slowing, and she was about to drift off to sleep when she heard a loud crash.

Iris instantly sat up, ripping her earphones out of her ear as she looked around frantically, trying to see the source of the noise. It didn't take long before she locked eyes with none other than Adi.

"Adi?" Iris said, scrambling to her feet once she caught sight of the familiar red mane. "Are you okay? What happened?"

"Iris," Adi said, but her voice seemed to come out slightly like a whisper. She shook her head slightly, "yeah I'm fine, I was trying to carry the weight and tripped and dropped it."

Iris made her way over to Adi, quickly studying the red-haired girl, looking for any signs she was hurt.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," Adi replied, then her expression turned to one that was slightly teasing. "Don't worry, it'll take a lot more than a 100-pound weight to take me down."

"Stop showing off," Iris mumbled, rolling her eyes. She walked over to the weight, inspecting it. Luckily, there was no damage done to the weight or the gym floor. Iris let out a slight sigh of relief. She really wasn't in the mood to do paperwork.

"You've got to be more careful," Iris said, walking back over to Adi. "you can start by having your shoelaces tied in the gym. These are the basic rules."

Iris didn't stop for a response or a reaction from Adi before she got down on her knees and began tying Adi's shoelaces, which were untied and probably what caused her to trip in the first place.

"Yes, ma'am," Adi teased, smiling slightly once Iris got back up to her feet.

It was only then that it hit Iris that she was here, talking to Adi. The very same girl she had pushed away and ignored. Suddenly, Iris was transported back to the last conversation they had where Iris cried and told her to leave.

Iris swallowed hard, forcing the lump that was growing in her throat to dissolve.

Despite herself, Iris couldn't stop her eyes from roaming over Adi. It seemed so long since she had last been this close to the red-haired girl.

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