TWELVE ─ [ . : 。✿ ] white clover

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white clover flowers represent
remembrance, and carry the
message: think of me . . .


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*. : 。✿ * ゚ * .: 。 ✿ * ゚  * . : 。 ✿ *


Silas was trying really hard not to be angry with himself. Or with his roommates.

It was obvious enough he loved (Y/N). He was crazy about her. But he had no idea what to do about it. His housemates seemed to have a much easier time. For them, socializing was easy and natural. They could joke with (Y/N) and exchange stories all day long. But it just felt different for Silas.

He grew up accustomed to being bigger than the other kids. Taller. Stronger. Because of that, he had to learn to be careful. If he wasn't, he'd accidentally hurt someone. He couldn't afford to be careless. And so, after a while, he forgot what it meant to be carefree. He started over-analyzing everything he said and did, both beforehand and afterwards. Always sure that, if he hadn't messed it up yet, he inevitably would.

He never felt comfortable with anyone before.

With (Y/N), things were different. She seemed, to him, the embodiment of the word cozy. She was so warm and lighthearted and sweet. There was nothing at all fake about her. Nothing harsh or mean-spirited. With her, it was so easy to just slip into that comfort and never leave.

But there was always something to snap him out of it. Some tiny reminder that rang in his ears: You don't get to let your guard down. Someone will get hurt if you do.

And it was beginning to feel like that someone would be him.

He was so tired of feeling this way. So tired of what felt like an insurmountable barrier between him and this beautiful, wonderful girl. He wanted to feel confident with her. He wanted to be carefree.

So seeing his roommates swoop in and steal her attention with all their easygoing charisma was hard.

His jealousy was of a different nature than theirs. They all wanted to be the ones to provide everything for (Y/N)──  they wanted to be the only ones to provide everything for her, in fact. They were jealous of anyone who would try to offer what they saw as theirs to give. But Silas wasn't sure he had anything to offer. He was fairly certain he couldn't provide everything for (Y/N). Not the way she deserved. Though he was physically bigger than any of his housemates──  bigger than most people he'd ever met, even──  he felt so small and... insignificant.

He was quickly becoming certain that he loved (Y/N) more than he had ever loved anybody. And though he didn't believe he was even close to deserving her...

He knew he'd do anything for her.

𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏 (yandere x reader)Where stories live. Discover now