𝐜𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐬 & 𝐜𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐬

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when all the dishes were cleared and returned to their shelves, you bolted to your room and into your storage closet, where all the player's belongings were kept. ego placed them in your care since he didn't want to go through the hassle of keeping the phones and devices in proper condition.

223, 222, ah, 221! here!

right when you picked up the cellphone to add your number into nagi's phone, the room's speakers suddenly switched on, startling you with ego's voice.

"y/n. where are you going with player 221's phone in such a rush?"

dear god that scared me shitless.

"...oh," you mumbled while facing the camera and hiding the cellphone behind your back. "nagi seishiro told me he was going to exchange 3 goals for it back earlier, and asked me to charge his phone... i thought it'd be fine, since you left the device management to me. it is, though, isn't it?" you tilted your head in a poor attempt to act stupid.

there was a brief silence over the speakers for a moment before ego mumbled a defeated 'fine', leaving you both relieved and frightened to the bone. lying is easy, but to someone like ego? to be frank, it was terrifying. you saw how he treated the players in blue lock-- he was merciless.

if not for your amazing deception skills, he definitely would've had you fired. thank god your mother had sharp senses that eventually taught you how to become the greatest liar ever. that woman often told you how horrible of a liar you were, and how much it reminded her of her own sister when they were children.




'...auntie did it.' you blurted out as your mother hastily put out the fire in the oven. "seriously?! damn it, teieri, i'll kill y--!... no, hold on..." she paused immediately and snapped her head at you.

your mother stared at you right in the eye for about 5 seconds, and within that timespan, you ended up bawling your eyes out in laughter as you failed to hold her eye contact. "you had to mess up the guest's brownies? on the day they were coming over too!?" she placed a hand on her hip.

so she wasn't mad that you almost burnt the entire house down?

"it was a good lie." you shrugged with a grin. "no, i saw right through it, young lady! teieri is terrible at baking, but one thing is for sure and that is if she were to mess up a batch of brownies, she would have definitely under-baked them rather than full on burning them! and she would've been watching over it 24/7; she's in the shower right now!" your mother smacked you right on the top of your head, earning a wince from you.

your mom was never too easily fooled by lies and deception. after all, she had to grow up with a liar herself, which was her own sister. though, as you grew older, you eventually learned how to win her over with flattery, over straight up bullshit lies. because of this, you were able to fool practically anyone who sucked at reading people.

this is what led you to where you were now.

you were sat in your bedroom, staring at your phone that was buzzing with texts from both nagi seishiro and his friend, reo mikage. as you added your number into nagi's phone, you failed to take into consideration your profile picture, which was a literal photo of your full face, clear as day, along with your rather... feminine name.


whats your name

this guy has been bugging me all day about
you. srsly pls just give him ur details💀💀

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