Taking Initiative

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The moon hung over Roanoke Island as a particular witch boy and his familiar wondered through the gnarled, barren trees.

"How about here?" Klarion asked with a tone that you would usually hear from a board child.

Teekl meowed and leapt from his arms.

"Finally!" Klarion reached into his blazer and pulled out a yellow crystal.

He grinned, placing it on the ground and activated his power, a large circle with strange shapes and symbols appearing around it.

Klarion took his place, the symbol underneath him glowing as it did.

"Time to get the old band together... Wotan, Blackbriar Thorn, Felix Faust, Wizard." He called each sorcerers names and they all materialised in their respective places.

"Now, let's put on a show." Klarion face turned demonic as him and his colleagues began to chant.

"Wir sind die Pfeifer von Hameln."
"Wir sind die Pfeifer von Hameln."
"Wir sind die Pfeifer von Hameln."
"Wir sind die Pfeifer von Hameln."
"Wir sind die Pfeifer von Hameln."
"Wir sind die Pfeifer von Hameln."

In Atlantis, Loco tried to stifle a snicker and her whole body glowed and shimmered with vibrant, colorful light, but failed as she was overcome with giddiness as she heard something coming 'round the corner.

"BOO!" You popped out from the corner, causing Queen Mera to let out a surprised yelped, lose her balance and fall over.

Loco's eyes widened in horror, she rushed over, helping Mera up.

"Oh my gosh oh my gosh, oh my gosh! I'm so, so sorry Queen Mera, I thought you were one of the guards." You explained frantically.

"It is alright Loco, I am fine." Queen Mera assured, she looked over Loco's glowing form.

"I found a bio-luminescence spell in the castle library." Loco said, predicting the queen's question.

She giggles again.
"I'm a walking rainbow!" She beamed, giving a little twirl.

Mera couldn't help but chuckle herself.
"It is a beautiful display, but would you mind?" She shielded her eyes slightly from the increasingly bright lights.

Loco stopped and disengaged the spell.
"Sorry." She said, a little embarrassed.

"I am so pleased to see that you are taking an interest in more advanced magic, but you really should not be using it to frighten our guards."

"But it's the only kind of fun I get around here, besides I already mastered the spells you assigned me."

To demonstrate, Loco created, constructs of flowing seaweed, disappeared and reappeared behind Mera and made a small currant to carry her back to where she was originally standing

Mera kept a calm neutral face.
"Loco, I know it's exciting to come to the conservatory years before your time, but you must pace yourself, even experienced sorcerers had to learn patience."

"Well it's not my fault everyone here are a bunch of uptight, boring stiffs." Loco remarked.

"Now, now, there's no need for that." Mera chided

"It's true, it's more like a military compound than a conservatory."

"The students do not go there to learn parlour tricks."

"They might as well be, with the stuff they're teaching us."

"You're an 8 year old girl, not a grand sorceress!"

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