Traveler's Intro

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        Space. An infinite canvas painted with clusters of stars, constellations, comets, and planets. Amazing, that only a fraction of it has been explored in certain universes. How fortunate am I, that the one I've been dumped in is my corner of a galaxy, far away from the reaches of man. It's needed, for I require absolute concentration to perform my daunting task. A task that must be completed if I'm to ever see my love again.

        It feels like forever since I've seen her, I think. Honestly, it's hard to tell. Time is no longer linear. The only thing I can measure in length is how much I ache from not being with Kamille.

        I can see her in my mind now, as I recollect on the times we've spent with one another. The joyous adventures we embarked on, hopping from one world to the next and documenting their particularities, learning their cultures.
Some worlds were disheartening, like the ones that were ravished by human atrocities and avoidable war that ravaged their planets. But the one thing they all had in common is something that my beloved and I share with them. Something that we celebrate each chance we got.

        A love story.

        Each unique terrain we visited upon, we always found two individuals who shared a love that was extraordinary in it's own right. Watching how those stories unfolded was inspiring to us. And I hated that our universal wayfaring was derailed by her father, a celestial singularity who felt I was unworthy of his daughter. If only I was powerful enough to stand up to him. But unfortunately, I was found wanting in the eyes of Caelum.

        It's not as if I haven't tried to find her. But Caelum—being as powerful as he is—has trapped Kamille in a place where I can't sense her. Thankfully, all is not lost. After being forcefully separated from my love for what has felt like eons, I was found aimlessly floating around in the cosmos by an entity called The Enamored Witness, something that came bearing a message from Caelum himself.

      'Bring forth a love story, one worthy & incomparable, and transcends the very concept of love. Present it to The Enamored Witness for judgement. If accepted, she will reveal the location of my daughter so that you may rejoin her in union. But if the story is rejected, you must depart from the witness and continue your search until you find another fit for presentation.'

        The irony was purposeful, was it not? The very thing Kamille and I looked for leisurely has now been turned into a laboring mission. But what choice did I have? I'd do anything to see my beloved again. To be close enough to breathe her in. To touch her. To kiss her.

        To love her.

        And with that, I accepted being domiciled in this galaxy and began making it my own. A 'studio apartment in space' is what humans would refer to it as. From here, I comb through the universes and use my love for Kamille as a compass to zero in on those who's own feelings of admiration come close to ours. I am never discovered, never found out. But I am always present, serving as an observer, studying my subjects, hoping—praying—that the love story I find myself witnessing will be the one that gets me back to she who holds my heart.

       My name is The Traveler. And these are the Love Chronicles.

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