Chapter 26

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Third person pov:

After half an hour teams of doctors walk out as they were checking Mrs Kim's health,

Taehyung had his face nuzzled in  Jungkook's neck, but he pulled it abruptly, when he heard foot steps,

Jungkook also get up and stand beside Taehyung while holding him by his waist,

"She gain her consciousness but she have...." A doctor said but he stop talking as he saw Jungkook shook his head toward him to stop talking infront of Taehyung,

"She have what?" Taehyung asked with frown,

"Bub, I think first we should meet mom" Taehyung wanted to know what doctor was about to say but he has big urge to meet his mother, so he and Jungkook along with Dante walk inside the private room,

Taehyung's heart cry out when he saw numerous numbers of machines attack with Mrs Kim's body, he walk towards his mother with wobbling legs,

Mrs Kim opened her eyes as she felt someone's presence, she smiled tiredly when he saw his son standing beside hospital bed,

"Tae" she whispered but it was more than enough for Taehyung to listen, he sat down on stool , which was on side of bed,

"Yes, mom" Taehyung was controlling not to burst out in front of his mother,

"Wh-y are you cr-ying sweetie?" Mrs Kim's voice break down,

"No I am not" Taehyung mumbled with a pout on his lips, Mrs Kim Chuckled lightly and motion Jungkook and Dante to come near who were standing far away from mother-son duo,

Jungkook kneel down beside Taehyung and Dante stood on opposite side of bed,

Mrs Kim held Dante's hand and make him sit on bed, beside her,

"Dan-te you are such a sweet child, I felt lucky to h-ave you as one of my son" it was the first time that Jungkook saw tears in Dante's eyes, Dante wiped his tears and kisses knuckles of Mrs Kim's hand,

" Me too mom, i felt lucky to have you and Taehyung as my family " Dante let out while looking at Taehyung who held his head low, but his shaking body makes it clear that he is crying, crying silently,

Mrs Kim smiled and turn his head toward Jungkook who had his one hand around Taehyung's waist and second one on Taehyung's lap,

"Kook,my son" Mrs Kim extend her hand and Jungkook didn't waste a second to held her hand in his large one,

"Yes mo-m" Jungkook stuttered as he was afraid to death, in just small time he felt same love or caring which his mother has got him, he was afraid to loose his second mother,

"You are my favourite son" everyone cooed when they heard Taehyung whines on Mrs Kim's comment,

"No all three of you are my favourite, okay now" Taehyung nodded his head still he had his head hung low,

"Kook thankyou for accepting my son with all his flaws" Jungkook shook his head,

"No mom thankyou for having this much trust on me that you gave your precious gem to me" Jungkook looked toward Taehyung, Mrs Kim smiled as he saw how Jungkook was looking at Taehyung,

"Kook promise me you will fulfill what you had promised me in garden" this time Taehyung look up as he found it very strange that Mrs Kim was talking like she is going somewhere,

"I will mom and you will see it by yourself" Mrs Kim smiled sadly but nonetheless nodded her head,

A tear left her eyes as she caught a sight of confused Taehyung who was looking same like he looks in childhood,

"Tae, come here" Mrs Kim scoot away as she made enough space for Taehyung to sit on bed,

Taehyung sat down, he laid his head on Mrs Kim's chest while hugging her waist,

"Ah, my sweetheart, you are my life you know" Taehyung nodded which cause other three to chuckle at his cuteness,

"Do you remember, when we lived in Busan one of you favourite sheep expired from our cattle and you cried alot at that time, hmm??'' Mrs Kim questioned Jungkook know where this conversation is going, without thinking much Taehyung nodded his head as he had his eyes close because he feel peace in his mother's embrace,

"Then you told me that she didn't left me, she is there with me all the time and watching me from sky" Taehyung mumble as he was feeling sleepy,

"Hmm, so w-will you c-cry now if someone dear to you left" all Taehyung's sleep fly when he heard his mother,

"What are you saying mom?" He utter confused and there is fear in his voice,

He might know what his mother is saying but he don't want to listen or even he Don't want to went through that pain,

"I'm saying will you cry if I die..."Taehyung stopped his mother by placing his hand on her mouth,

"Don't m-mom d-don't please" Taehyung cried, it hurt Mrs Kim and Jungkook just wanted to embrace Taehyung but he wanted to give mother-son duo some time,

Mrs Kim removed Taehyung's hand after kissing his palm,

"Mom I can't let you go, please" Taehyung said with determination as he held Mrs Kim's hand in his hand tightly,

"You have to bub..." Mrs Kim said while controlling his voice which is on the verge of breaking, Taehyung shook his head vigorously while sobbing hardly, his breaths were uneven,

" hu-rts it's h-hurts, love please" Taehyung pull Mrs Kim into hug as both mother and son was crying their heart out,

Jungkook and Dante was not different they were also crying as they remember when they lost their mothers,

"I'm sor-ry*cough* s-sorry my tiger" Mrs Kim coughed , Taehyung felt something warm on his shoulder, he part away from Mrs Kim only to see that Mrs Kim is coughing blood out,

"MOM M-MOM, plea-se" Taehyung cried,

"DOCTOR" Jungkook shouted for doctor as he saw Mrs Kim spitting blood, Taehyung's white top was stained with red blood,

Doctors run toward Mrs Kim, they ask Taehyung to stood up but Mrs Kim shook her head,

"No I d-don't*cough* have m-much time" Mrs Kim utter breathlessly, she motion Jungkook to came forward who was also crying badly,

He kneel down beside crying Taehyung, Mrs Kim held his and Taehyung hand together,

"You both have to tak-e care of eac-hother" she utter, her coughing was getting bad second after second,

Taehyung was shooking his head,he want to say something but his is not forming a single word, his heart was thumping in his chest, his view was blurry due to tears,

Mrs Kim placed his hand on Taehyung's wet cheek due to tears, she gave him a tired boxy smile,

"I'm sor-ry for leaving you m-y son, please for-give your stupid mother..." Taehyung was crying and shooking his head, he don't want his mother to leave him,

"... I love you, tae"she let out with her last breath, tears streamed down from her now closed eyes, she had a small boxy smile on her lips,




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