Chapter 12: At Peace

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"Give me a good reason not to, he snatched my phone and locked himself in" Changbin raged, his brows farrowed in anger.

"Felix is that you?" Came Hyunjin's voice.

"Uh. . .yeah, I'm tryna help, I think" Felix huffed, looking at Changbin's furious face. "Changbin hyung please let me get your phone myself" he pleased, with a small smile.

Changbin paused, looking at him discreetly. "Fine, you have ten seconds" he sighed, accepting defeat (who can resist Felix's charms?)

"Hyunjin, its me, Felix, open the door"

"Are you working with Changbin?"


The door opened slowly and Hyunjin peeped, smiling. "You can have the...the phone" his eyes moving from Felix to Changbin.

Felix took the phone and handed it to Changbin, who scoffed and walked out. "And Chan hyung said I should give you this" he pointed Hyunjin's phone at him.

"I almost died, so no thanks to him" Hyunjin sneered, before shutting his door.

Felix sighed and was about to leave when the door opened again. "And thank you Lixie" Hyunjin smiled.

"Minho" Chan called for the tenth thousand time. "Where is he?" He sighed, placing a hand on his hip, using the other to comb through his blue hair.

"Being a dad isn't easy" Seungmin chuckled.

Chan frown. "Just tell me where he is, I know you know"

"He's in Jisung's room and Jisung is locked in the bathroom" Seungmin shrugged, relaxing on the couch.

Chan rubbed his temples as he knocked on Jisung's door. "Open up Minho, I got your phone" he mumbled tiredly.

The door opened and the younger stood in front of him, a steady frown on his lips.

"Just please be a bit nicer, just try" The Aussie heaved a sighing, giving Minho is device.

"Maybe, maybe not" Minho shrugged, with a slight grin.

Chan smiled, feeling relieved for a bit.

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