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A secret's worth depends on the people from whom it must be kept.

Such that

Once, it's out, it's over

Both the secret and the keeper

Humans are trusting creatures. They often trust someone just at first glance. Be it their appearance or maybe their personality or even their power in society. Trust gained by such means is a form of charisma while there are other forms of trust, one purer than this, which is trust in a loved one. This was exactly what Historia did, she trusted a loved one.A person with golden eyes, on that cold day, decided to listen in on their conversation not learning after being framed for a fake rape attempt in the past. I had collected enough information in that night, which had kept me warm throughout the chilly winter of the past.

Today, that same purity was defiled by me mercilessly as I had cruelly blackmailed the titan screaming in distress under me trying it's best to stand up and fight for the sake of someone else. Such bonds were a foreign concept until I met someone similar, yet remembering her causes such physical and mental pain. Unfortunate indeed.

Her bellowed screams had now propelled both her body and spirit as my legs trembled from the tremors caused. I jumped off her body and escaped from sight by hiding behind her ear. Now I just have to wait. After all, humans can do interesting things when pushed to their limits. Strangely though, over here, her limit wasn't her own life rather it was the life of her friend.

Her body plunged itself at the titans in front of us ripping through the hides of these monsters. Her savagery increased every second from biting the neck to ripping off the head from the neck region. Her hands punched inside the open mouths of the titans and broke off the jaws while using their bodies as levers to jump off to greater heights attacking the larger ones. For me this was better as the path in front of me was being cleared up of smaller titans while the larger ones were too busy with the others in the air.

The tremors didn't stop as defeating falls of the titans vibrated the ground. Every moment there was a risk of falling off and beating eaten by the centre of the earth. Of course, I was exaggerating a bit but the soldiers in front of me screaming as they fall off their horses would agree. Humans weren't ever meant to fight such huge creatures, that's why evolutions got rid of the dinosaurs. This was worse than dinosaurs by a mile.

"YMMMMMIRRRRRRR OOOOVVVVEEEEERRRR HEEERRRREEEE" Historia's shrill and watery-eyed scream had shot Ymir's head towards her human ally as she rushed towards her by ruthlessly ripping through the bodies of the Titans. The last hold on the top of the tower as it crumbled down Ymir caught onto Historia and the others as she bought them down safely.


I leapt from the rubble as I swung my grappling hook latching onto the titan's neck and used it's momentum to pull myself up to it which showed me a gruesome sight as it ate one of the fallen comrades. It seems like Ymir missed some. I swung around with the pivot being the thick hide it had, slicing my blade across the monster's nape. Blood spurted out, but the titan did not fall. It roared and reached for me with its massive hand. I dodged and fired another hook, aiming for its eye.

I felt a jolt as I hit my target, then plunged my blade into the socket. The titan shrieked as it fell along with me but I used it's now dead body as a cushion. I felt a sudden gust of wind as another titan appeared behind me. It was taller and faster than the one I was fighting. It lunged at me, its mouth wide open. I barely had time to react. I released my hooks and kicked off towards the larger titan's head, flying towards it's open mouth.

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