(𝐈) 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐅𝐈𝐅𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍 - 𝐕𝐮𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐦

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AS SOON AS HER SENSES AWAKENED SHE WAS OVERWHELMED BY THE CONTENT FEELING RUNNING THROUGH HER, Katherine attempted to sit herself up, yet she couldn't move, it seemed that she was stuck in a cocoon formed of three males.

Trying again, she tried to move her muscles so that she could hopefully get out, she didn't know who these men were, they were probably about to murder her no doubt; the content feeling was suddenly washed away by an immense pain that shot throughout her body, causing her to let out a whimper of pain and she gave up her attempts of moving, instead she retreated back to her foetus position. The men surrounding her suddenly moved, their eyes snapping to the figure on the bed, growling before one spoke.

'You think that we should wish you harm?' One snapped, his hair blond and bedazzling, his skin pale and perfect, free from any pimples or normal human skin decorations.

'Who even are you?' A quiet voice emitted from the figure on the bed, the brunette man suddenly began to lose his stiff stance and he softened his posture, walking over gentle towards the bed and sitting on it; his brothers followed suit.

'Cara mia, we have been waiting for you for a very long time, you mustn't be afraid. I assume you haven't heard of us or our kind, yet we do not want to hide anything from you, but I beg you to understand.' His deep voice soothed the girl whom slowly pulled away from her knees and looked up, her eyes shot with fear and anxiety.

'Tesoro we are vampiri, you would call us vampires, in both your English and French language.' The one whom stood beside the blond spoke, his voice soothed her yet even more than the first two, as if all three were lulling her into a false sense of security that she couldn't help but trust, yet one thing spiked her

'How do you know I speak French?' Her head snapped towards the raven-haired one 'You have been watching me?' She questioned, her eyes sad and realising that she really hadn't been free after her escape from her mother 'And what the hell is a vampire?'

'We have not been watching you amore, although I wished we could've had an eye on you.' The previously mentioned blond piped up again, his face fell into one of deep sadness and regret

'You have not heard of vampires from children's bedtime stories your mother or father must've read for you?' The one sat on the bed asked gingerly, only to have his question be answered with a short shake of the head and a short sentence

*'I never had my mother or my father read me a story, or anything for that matter.' She didn't act like it was out of the blue and unusual, she thought it was normal for parents to not read to their children in order for them to become independent 'My mother said my father died before I was born. She followed him to heaven when I was thirteen, I came home and the paramedics said she overdosed.' She hummed, she wasn't sure why she was being so open towards three strangers, yet they felt warm, like a home she dreamed of.

'Tesoro, can you tell me what your mother was like, if you feel comfortable?' He with the black hair asked.

*'Alright: she was a good mother to me, she didn't kick me out like some did, even when I did something bad.' She began, her voice becoming slightly more relaxed 'She taught me how to be independent, she liked to drink though, it was hard seeing my mother in pain from her late nights at the bar, yet she always saved money for me to eat.' She smiled gently

'How often did you eat, cara mia?' The brunette asked, his voice empathetic and soft

*'She let me have salad with pre-cooked chicken once every day.' She smiled at the thought, yet she stopped when she heard three animalistic growls coming from the surroundings she sat in

Suddenly, the blond yelled in Greek outside of the door: 'Φέρτε ένα γεύμα αυτή τη στιγμή! Οποιαδήποτε καθυστέρηση θα οδηγήσει σε βέβαιο θάνατο με εκτέλεση ή οτιδήποτε θεωρώ κατάλληλο!' Startling the girl that sat with the other two

'Continue, please darling.' A deep voice came from beside her, the brunette had now shifted next to her and was gentle stroking her hair, the other two sat at the foot of the bed, watching her intensely

She nodded 'My mother liked to keep me in line and prepare me for my future, she gave me chores to do and gave me normal punishments if I didn't do something correctly.' She looked up at the man with raven hair and he nodded encouragingly, as if asking her to elaborate

'I would get home from school and clean the entire house, cleaning her bottles and cans, I'd mop, sweep and dust, make her dinner and make sure she took her pills she said she needed. Her punishments were given if I didn't do something precisely how she wanted; she usually hit me with her belt, or she would, um... Yeah.' She trailed off, her voice becoming weak.

'Tesoro, if I may.' Aro held out his hand 'Some vampires are gifted, we have special abilities and mine is to see into the mind of somebody else by a physical touch, I can see everything that has happened to them, everything they have seen, heard et cetera.'

This caught Katherine off caught, causing her to hesitate holding out her hand, she slowly lowered her hand into his ice cold one; his eyes glossed over as he relived everything she had been through. Abruptly, a growl abruptly escaped as he saw what vile things Delphine Fleur Reine had done to her own daughter, her own memories of the time consuming his mind's view.

After a few moments Aro suddenly pulled back hastily, his eyes pooling with venom and he leapt towards his mate again, wrapping himself around her, wishing he could tell her that what her mother did was never right, nothing she did to her own child was right, yet he would have a long perilous path ahead of him if he wanted to keep her safe.

He would take that path as many times as he had to, as long as it meant she would end up safe.



{Φέρτε ένα γεύμα αυτή τη στιγμή! Οποιαδήποτε καθυστέρηση θα οδηγήσει σε βέβαιο θάνατο με εκτέλεση ή οτιδήποτε θεωρώ κατάλληλο!} - Bring a meal this instant! Any delay will result in certain death by execution or whatever I see fit!

{cara mia} - My beloved/My dear

{Tesoro} - Darling

{amore} - Love

{vampiri} - Vampire


AUTHOR'S NOTE: I won't do these often, but this book shall contain themes similar to the TW I put at the top of the chapter, please do not continue if you cannot handle these, Stay safe.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐋 𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐄 ➻ 𝐕𝐨𝐥𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐢 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬Where stories live. Discover now