Time Away

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AN: Hey guys! How have your all been? I've been good! Here's the chapter since I don't have anything interesting to say.

"STOP!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, Edward let go of Hayden. Thank god! Tears were streaming down my face as I ran over to him. I held his hand, and I started to see the cracks in his face disappear. When the cracks were all gone, I helped him stand up. I looked up and saw Edward, Bella, Jasper, and Renesmee staring at me in shock. Oh crap. I realized what I did. I just talked. I can not believe I did that. Now they are all staring at me, it felt like the room was closing in on me, I wanted to be anywhere but here. In this room,with these people who I call my family, staring at me.

So I did the only thing I could think of in that moment.

I Ran.

(AN: Is it bad that I thought about stopping here)

I didn't know where I was going. I just ran. It was starting to drizzle, but I didn't care. I just ran my fastest speed, which was way faster than a vampire's. If I ran after me, the wouldn't have a chance at catching me. I just wanted to be alone for a minute. When I heard the sound of water, I realized that I had ran to my waterfall. I had no problem with that, I really needed a place where I could think about the last few days. I sat down on some grass. I put my knees to my chin, and I began to cry. Not just plain tears, but full body shaking uncontrollable sobs. How in the world could we have been so stupid! My life totally sucked before Hayden. Now I just might lose him just because of one stupid mistake. I put the thing I love most in Jeopardy. This is what I get for not listening to my head, if I had just listened in the first place, none of this would have happened. I knew my parents would react badly, but I never thought my dad would go that far. It never even got that physical with Renesmee. If I hadn't done anything, Hayden would be dead right now.

I don't know how long I sat there bawling my eyes out, but I almost jumped out of my skin when I felt arms around me. When I felt that familiar spark of electricity, and the warmness that spread through me, I knew it was just Hayden. I grasped onto him and he pulled me into his lap. He shushed me and and whispered soft comforting things in my ear and just held me while I sobbed into his neck.

When I finally stopped crying lifted my head up. Hayden's shirt was stained with rain and my tears. It had started to rain harder, and my hair was wet and sticking to my face. I wiped my eyes.

"Are you okay" Hayden asked. I shook my head. He kissed my forehead, and hugged me close to his chest again.

"How long was I gone for?" I asked after a moment.

"An hour and a half" He answered. Wow, I didn't realize I had been gone that long.

"What happened after I left?" I felt Hayden tense.

"Do you really wanna know?" I raised my head and looked into his amber eyes.

"It can't be that bad, tell me. I wanna know," Hayden sighed.

"After you left, Carlisle came upstairs and managed to temporarily talk some sense into Edward. He convinced him that fighting wasn't the way to solve an issue, and that you just needed some time."

"Good old, Carlisle, always the peace maker." I said. Hayden gave a small smile.

"Anyway, he convinced us all to go downstairs to wait for you. Edward kept glaring at me the whole time. After a while, Jasper suggested that someone go and find her. Me, already knowing where you would be, volunteered myself. After all Jasper looked straight at me when he said it. Edward and Renesmee also volunteered to go also. It took a while but Jasper and I convinced them that it was best for me to go." I nodded. I was glad that Edward hadn't tried to attack him again. I know Emmett and Jasper there to stop him but I still hate thinking about it.

"We have to go back," Haden sighed.

"Do we have to?" I really didn't want to go back. I was content right where I was. But unfortunately I knew that there was no avoiding going home.

He looked at the watch I had on my wrist. I noted briefly that my promise ring was on the same hand, it brought a small smile to my face. "We've been here for over 45 minutes. If we don't get back they are going to start looking for us. Also it may start pouring any time now" As if on cue, the light drizzle that was there before was changed my pouring rain, Hayden and I were both instantly soaked. Hayden gave a small smile. He shurrged off his leather jacket and put it over my shoulders. I couldn't get sick, but the gesture was still sweet. Then lifted me in his arms, carrying me bridal style. He began running back. Usually I would object, but honestly I didn't feel like walking.

By the time we had gotten to the house he rain had stopped and was replaced with the light drizzle that was there before. He stopped when we got to the porch. I grew more and more anxious as we came closer the door, to the point where I felt like I was gonna throw up at any second. Hayden put me down.

"I'm nervous" I said quietly knowing full well that they knew we were here and were listening. I looked down and played with my promise ring, something I did when I was nervous. Hayden put to fingers under my chin and tilted my head up to his, He grabbed both of my hands and intertwined them with his.

"I am to. But we will go in there together." He said reassuring me.

"If anything happens, just remember that I love you," I said. looking into his eyes. Hayden leaned in and kissed me, pouring all of his love into his kiss and I did the same.

"I love you too," Hayden gave me one more kiss. Holding hands, together we walked into the living room.

AN: Hey guys! You have no idea how much I retyped this chapter over and over again. Seriously, my fingers are killing me.

QOTD: What kind of phone do you have.

Answer: I actually have two. A Samsung Galaxy S4 And a Windows Phone where the screen is all cracked up. I only keep it cause all my music is on there, and i have ALOT of music, seriously I have like over 1,000 songs, I'm not exaggerating. As you can tell music is a big part of my life.

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