Three - Catalina

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I don't know how, but his plan actually works. When the conductor knocks on the door, I pull the blanket up to cover my dress, having already pulled some of my hair out of its confines and laying my mantilla and peineta on the table.

Marcos waits a few minutes and then cracks the door open just enough for me to be visible. I catch the conductor's eye, hoping it appears accidental, before demurely diverting my gaze, allowing remorse to slip across the room.

"Oh, excuse me. I'm so sorry to have interrupted. We are informing all passengers we've unfortunately run into some issues with the track up ahead, but we have a crew working and we'll be heading to Madrid as soon as it's fixed. I'm, uh— well, the other thing can wait. Have a lovely evening, sir."

His blush is so red that it is visible through the closed door. His voice can be heard through the walls, fumbling over words at the door to the next room over. We've flustered him.

The duke's smile is infectious as he turns to me and declares, "I think we're in the clear."

If I weren't fresh off a refused engagement, I might be inclined to let this man take me to dinner, but as it was, I am not to be married. And certainly not to a man like him. Rich, titled men are all the same, and my body would do well to remember that.

Right on cue, heat races through my skin and settles in my core, warming my chest and sending my heart into a horse race.

Marcos steps toward me and his eyes set me alight again. My hair hanging around my shoulders is inefficient as a shield to his piercing gaze.

"Have we finished with him?" I ask, sensing a small waver in my own voice has betrayed me.

"We have. I've locked the door so no one will disturb you."

The sleeper car might be large and spacious, but it is still a train. And even at a crawl, his footsteps growing closer to me won't take long before he's right atop me and standing behind me and the bed.

"So, what now?" I ask, fiddling with the blanket that covers me, unwilling to remove it despite my well-tailored gown still holding everything in place.

"Now?" He raises his eyebrow and his hands move to loosen his tie. "Now, we sleep."

My eyes travel from the floor up to his face and then to the window and all the way back to his growing smirk before I'm able to comprehend that he's joking. "You have put me in quite a compromising position, sir. I would appreciate it if you did not mock me as well."

His hands still as he pulls the fabric off his neck. "I have put you in a compromising position?" he asks. "Was it I who boarded a train with no ticket? Was it I who pretended to be your husband to get out of a fine... or worse? Was it I who would be kicked off this train if our deception were uncovered?"

He turns and takes three long strides to the door, putting his hand on the latch before adding, "If you would like to leave, I'm not stopping you."

His fingers close around the lock and he pushes, ever so slowly. A shiver runs down my back watching his—

"No!" I shout, probably loud enough to be heard several cars away. "Wait. I apologize. You are correct. Please don't send me out there. I've no idea where we are and can't have my parents finding out like this. I'd be ruined."

A flicker of sadness crosses his face before his smile replaces it. "Well, then I guess we're just going to have to make the best of our situation."

I should want to say no. I should try to resist when he steps toward me, discarding excess clothing as he does.

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