Chapter 2 - Otherworld

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‘Ugh! Finish that then another arrives! I really need a break!’



<<I notice that there have been multiple attempts at summoning you but I interfere with it thus you didn’t get summoned to wherever the connection leads to and when I check the origins of the connection by following the traces I stumble upon a world where one part of it is advanced in technology and the world seem mostly ocean with multiple mysterious islands>>

‘Advance technology and mostly ocean with multiple mysterious islands. Sound familiar. Can’t recall what it was. UGH. Whatever I will just go and see it.’

<Say Ciel-Kun>


<Why you didn’t inform me of this?>

<<A-Well i-it was because… YES, it was because you have a duty>>

I deadpan at her

<You are starting to sound like Milim>

<<Negative, it’s just your imagination>>

(sigh) there won’t be an end to this if I continue on. Hold on she said “summon” and “world” didn’t she?’

<Ciel-San did you say “summon” and “world”?>

<<Yes, I did>>

<And is by any chance this world that is trying to summon me a world in another universe?>


She said as if it were the normal thing in the world and once again I deadpan at her

‘Then my life as a dead-in-shut Heptagram in the office. Hehehehe’

<Then when they try to summon me again inform me>

<<Yes Master>>

Speak of the devil the instant she said that a summoning attempt occur

<<Master it seems they are trying to summon you again>>

<Okay, but won’t disappearing out of the blue bring an uproar?>

<<Master can just stop time or use Parallel Existence>>

‘Stop time when I return, I would be in this same position, but with Parallel Existence, while I’m in their world doing who knows what and my doppelganger/clone doing tasks here so in another world “multitask”’

<Then use Parallel Existence>

<<Yes Master. Initiating Parallel Existence>>

“You know what to do other me”

Rimuru(Clone): You just want to have fun don’t you, right?

“No no no, it is called i-n-v-e-s-t-i-g-a-t-i-o-n”

‘Why is my own clone looking at me like that it hurts my feeling you know.’

Rimuru(Clone)(sigh) Yeah right

“Then I will be going see you”

And little did I know, Ciel did something.

Location: Unknown [(Laboratory) Otherworld]

‘Hmm? Where am I? All I see is that I’m in a middle of a platform with a spiral pattern and a lot of people looking at me though I don’t know why they seem invisible to the naked eye, and they all seem to have an abnormal body condition. Like their upper bodies are big while the leg is umm stick? Drumstick? Spoon? Ugh whatever this world has a weird body proportion and position that dude literally has 4 elbows, I wonder if he can stretch it from his back to his butt to his *#$@ and to his belly’

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2023 ⏰

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