2- Mistakes

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Sitting in the taxi, only a single thought ran through Lisha's mind.

"Did I just sleep with a random stranger last night?"

Unlocking her phone, she finds 40 missed calls.

She scrolls down the list to see they are from her parents, her best friend and a few others...


Not sure of what to do, Lisha frantically calls her best friend, Claire.

"Hello" Claire answers the phone.

"CLAIREEEEE!!!!" Lisha shouts her name through the phone.

"Geez stop shouting, you are hurting my ears! What the fuck is it now? Also where were you last night? I couldn't reach you at all!"

"I dunno...I am in a taxi right now..." Lisha rubs her temples stressfully.

"What do you mean you don't know? Do you realise how worried your parents were?"

Just at the mention of her parents, Lisha recalls...

Last night, on recieving the sudden news of her marriage fixed by her parents, Lisha felt all blood drain out of her body.

Her life felt meaningless. She knew that all the freedom in her life was coming to a full stop.

In the middle of rage and despair, Lisha rushed out of her house that night to find herself getting drunk at the bar.

That's where she met the biggest mistake of her life.

Dressed in a short black dress as if looking for trouble, Lisha sat there, alone, drunk, glancing around the bar.

And her eyes stop at the sight of him...

Seated near to her, was a man of devilish charms or maybe the devil himself.

Dressed in all black, he lights up his cigarette as he notices the brown haired woman staring him.

He ran his hands through his hair to remove the strands that fell over his blue eyes as they met hers.

And right at that moment, Lisha knew it.

Was it her way of rebelling against her strict parents who wouldn't take a 'no' for an answer?

Who knows.

All Lisha did know was...

Tonight, she wants him.

Alcohol is a strange thing.

A few glasses and it has the ability to change a person so much.

The quiet girl from a conservative family, who was gonna get married just a few days later...

She turned into a bold queen tonight.

And the man found her same boldness extremely sexy...

After that, one thing led to the other.

Soon she was at the hotel, with that man on bed.

After that her memories got blurry...

She couldn't even remember the man's face properly much less his name...

"Lisha? Hello are you still there?" Claire calls out her name from the other side.

"Ye-yeah..I am here..."

"Anyways Lisha, I understand you are angry on your parents for fixing your marriage without your consent but please at least pick up your calls from next time! They were really worried for you and asked me to check up on your apartment but you were not there. Where were you last night...?"

"Actually about that..." Lisha tells her about everything that happened last night.


"Yeah...But I managed to escape before he came out of the shower..."

"Girl!? What the hell is wrong with you? Who was the man?  What about birth control? Are you really going to throw your life to waste like this!?" Claire screams.

"I...I don't know..." Lisha replies.

"What do you mean Lisha...have you seriously forgotten about your marriage? Do you have any idea as to what can happen if your parents... "

"THEY WILL NEVER KNOW!" Lisha doesn't let Claire complete her sentence.

She would rather kill herself than let her strict parents come to know what she did last night...

And Claire knew it very well...

Claire calms down and replies, "Okay, fine. Where are you now?"

"In a taxi, I'll reach home in 5-7 mins"

"Fine I'll be there too."

"Claire...What will happen now...?" Lisha's lips tremble.

"Nothing. Nothing will happen. It was just a mistake and let it be at that. You don't know him. He doesn't know you. Then what are you worrying about? That night was just a mistake, Lisha so just forget it"

And slowly Lisha calms down...

Maybe Claire's right...she's just worrying for no reason. That man doesn't even know her, nothing will happen.

"You are right Claire, thanks" Lisha let's out a light laugh.

The taxi comes to a stop as it reaches Lisha's apartment.

"Hey it looks like have reached, where are you?" Lisha asks Claire.

"Oh I am on my way" Claire smiles.

"I see" Lisha smiles and then looking towards the cab driver she asks,"How much?"

"That would be X bucks, Miss"

"Okay" She replies then reaching out for her purse, with the phone in her hand.

Lisha receives a bigger shock...

"Where's my purse!??" Lisha searches everywhere in the seat for the search of her purse but couldn't find it.

"What's wrong Lisha?" Claire asks.

"Fuck...I think I left my back purse in the hotel room..." Lisha says biting her fingers.

"What the fuck!? Okay...calm down. What did you have in your purse?" Claire tries her best to not escalate the situation.

"I had my cash...my makeup...and my..."

"And your what Lisha?"

"And my ID card..!"


Getting out of the shower, he finds the bed empty.

She was missing.

His sea green eyes wandered across the room before stopping on a black purse lying on the floor.

Walking towards it, he picks the purse up up.

Then empties its contents on the bed.

Some Cash, red lipstick, keys, mascara and an ID card falls down.

He picks up the ID card with her picture, and reads the name on it.

"Lisha Walker"

Then bringing the card closer to his face...

He kissed her picture.

"We'll meet soon"

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