Chapter 2

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                   Ashley's POV

Mum had always travelled from one country to another. She never had time for I and my twin sister. Mum might not come home for 3 month all in the name of business, all she does is send money to us and tell us not to join bad gang.
I act as a diligent and cool headed girl whenever I'm with mum but my twin sis knows surely that I'm the opposite.
Anytime mum is out then I'm out, hanging out with my naughty friends peculiar, susan and bassy. Clubbing, drinking and smoking is all we do everyday. We also look for guys to have sex with, I mostly pair with bassy to fuck a guy. All we do is have fun with three sum. Have been pregnant thrice  and aborted them, I told my sister about it becoz I trust her keeping my secret, mum must not even find out " do not tell mum" I would always say and she would roll her eyes at me with pity "I just don't just want to lose, u need to really stop this"akhila would always sau. I bet it that akhila is a virgin, tho she has a boyfriend buh she's not the type that do meet up everyday.
The only thing I hate about her is that she doesn't communicate with my friends. "I don't like them" akhila screaming anything I confront her not answering to my friends greetings.
                      *   *  *   *

Having dinner with mum, there was silence we were just focused on the food, the spaghetti akhila had made.
I didn't even know when she was cooking dinner, I don't even care because I don't like the kitchen buh I like food,funny right. Akhila is my saviour, she never for once punish me with food buh with other things.
I was eating and lost in thought on how I would tell mum  I want to go out with my friends tomorrow night, buh she would insist I stay indoor. Akhila normally cover up for me buh she would not listen to me, she's using that as a punishment. Gosh I don't know what to do, if i try to mention it to mum's hearings then I would land myself in trouble.
"Ashley" I heard my name faintly buh my thought took over my listening ear.
"Ashley!" Akhila screamed my name, immediately I jumped out of my thoughts."what happened, why screaming my name like that?" I rolled my eyes angrily at her. "Will you keep your mouth shut" mum snapped at me and hissed "clear those dishes, goodnight" she stood up and left for her room.
" Goodnight mum" Akhila replied her while I just kept mute."What happened, what's bothering you"  Akhila asked with pity. " Never mind, why was mum acting that way?"I ignored her question since she can't even help.
"Well goodness" I looked up at her face hearing good news from her, I parted my lips and before I could talk she continued what she was saying since I did not reply to what she said "mum is travelling tomorrow" I jumped up, dancing and tickling my twin sister.
"I knew you would be happy" she left for the room smiling at her phone.

Seems ashley also love her sister.Eventually she's going to attend the party💃
Thanks for reading.
Let's move to chapter three.

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