Chapter 1: Introduction

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A heavy fog covered up the dark waters of the sea, giving it a very creepy atmosphere. Through the fog, a big, beautiful, fancy ship appeared.

A top the ship, a young girl stood by the railing looking out into the ocean. She had brown hair, brown eyes, and was wearing a blue dress, and she was singing a song.

"Drink up me hearties, yo-ho. Drink up me heartiest yo-ho. Yo-ho, yo-ho, a pirates life for me. We extort, we pilfer, we filch, we sack. Drink up-."

Suddenly, a hand was placed on her shoulder and she turned and gasped.

A man stood behind her. He was an older man with large sideburns, and was wearing a sailors uniform.

"Quiet missy." He hissed. "Cursed pirates sail these waters. You don't want to bring them down on us. Do you?"

"Gibbs." A voice warned.

The two turned to see a young woman around the age of 20 approaching them. She had (h/l) (h/c) hair, beautiful (e/c) eyes, and (s/c) skin. She was also wearing a dress that was the color of (f/c).

"(Y/n)!" The little girl exclaimed happily.

The woman named (Y/n) smiled at her. "Hello Elizabeth." Then she turned to the man. "Gibbs, why are you scaring the poor girl?"

"I wasn't scaring her." He defended.

"What's going on over here?" A new voice interrupted.

They all turned to see a tall, strict looking man with a black wig and a uniform.

"She was singing about pirates." Mr. Gibbs snitched. "It be bad luck singing about pirates with us mired in this unnatural fog. Mark my words."

"Consider them marked." The man droned. "On your way."

Mr. Gibbs nodded. "Aye, Lieutenant. It's bad luck to have women aboard too. Even a miniature one." He muttered as he walked away, pulling out a flask.

"I think it'd be rather exciting to meet a pirate." Elizabeth spoke up.

(Y/n) tried to hide the small smile that was trying to creep onto her face. 'If only she knew.' She thought.

The lieutenant gave her a tight lipped smile. "Think again, Miss Swann. Vile and dissolute creatures, the lot of them."

(Y/n) frowned. "Surely they aren't all be bad. I mean—."

"Miss (Y/n)..." the Lieutenant interrupted. "I have been very gracious to grant you passage on this ship from London to Port Royal, even though you refuse to tell me where you came from before you showed up in London. I would advise you to not do or say anything that would make me regret my decision." He warned her.

The woman narrowed her eyes at him, but didn't say anything more. Even though she the only thing she wanted to do at that moment was to yell at him, she had to keep a low profile.

The Lieutenant turned back to Elizabeth. "I intend to see to it that any man who sails under a pirate flag or wears a pirate brand gets what he deserves. A short drop, and a sudden stop."

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