Chapter 8: Getting a Crew

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True to his word, Gibbs had found them some crew members, and they all stood by the docks in a line.

"Feast Your eyes Captain. All of them faithful hands before the mast. Every man worth his salt, and crazy to boot." Gibbs introduced.

Jack, Gibbs, Will, and (Y/n) walked down the line examining all the sailors, Jack pausing when he saw a particularly short one.

"So this is your able-bodied crew?" Will asked in slight disappointment.

(Y/n) lightly hit his shoulder, silently telling him to be quiet. Jack continued down the line and stopped at an old looking sailor with a parrot on his shoulder.

"You, sailor!"

"Cotton, sir." Gibbs said.

"Mr. Cotton, do you have the courage and fortitude to follow orders and stay true in the face of danger and almost certain death?"

Mr. Cotton stayed silent.

"Mr. Cotton! Answer man!"

Gibbs leaned closer to Jack. "He's a mute, sir. Poor devil had his tongue cut out. So he trained the parrot to talk for him. No one's yet figured how."

Mr. Cotton opened his mouth to reveal his missing tongue. Will, Jack, and (Y/n) grimaced a bit.

"Mr. Cotton's...parrot...same question."

*SQUAWK* "Wind in your sails! Wind in your sails!"

"Mostly we figure that means 'yes.'" Gibbs told Jack.

"Of course it does. Satisfied?" Jack asked Will.

"Well, you proved they're mad." Will replied, a bit annoyed.

"And what's the benefit for us?" A voice yelled from further down the line.

Jack, Will, (Y/n) and Gibbs moved towards a figure with a giant hat on that covered their face. Jack lifted the hat to reveal a woman with dark skin, black hair, and an angry expression.

"Ana Maria!" Jack greeted.

Ana Maria swung back and slapped Jack across the face.

"I suppose you didn't deserve that one either?" Will asked him sarcastically.

"No, that one I deserved." Jack admitted.

"You stole my boat!" Ana Maria snapped.


She slapped him again.

"...Borrowed! Borrowed without permission, but with every intention of bringing it back to you."

"But you didn't!" She yelled.

"You'll get another one." Jack promised.

She shoved her finger in his face, and he flinched. "I will."

"A better one." (Y/n) added.

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