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I finally found the time and energy to release the next chapter of this beautiful fan fiction. Don't worry, there won't be any questionnaires for the next five chapters. There will be adventures of Cale, "Fairy Tail" and others.

Since most have chosen Cale's questionnaire, I will do it, however, you may be a little disappointed. However, I will try my best to make it worthy.


"So, it was very informative...." Eruhaben drawled, leaning back in his chair. He considered the information with real interest. Considering that the two dragon slayers were so strong, probably the others would be the same. He liked what he saw. The Golden Dragon couldn't help but wonder what these children could learn if he became their teacher?

Their potential was probably incredible.

He was very sorry that he could not be near them to watch them reveal him to the fullest.

"You're right. It was very helpful." Mila nodded respectfully, smiling gently. Although she didn't really like humans, as dragons should, but she recognized their usefulness and potential. It would be nice if Dodori could make friends with one of them. This would be extremely useful, because he would finally be able to start learning more willingly. 

"And it seems incredible to me that all these people we saw could be so strong!" Bud reminded everyone, shaking his head in admiration. Only now did he notice that he hadn't written anything down, as he was too stunned, so he was a little upset. However, considering that he will be able to communicate with all of them personally, if possible... He will probably be able to ask them to fill out information for him about their abilities and capabilities for the catalog of his mercenary guild.

"It's probably because all the people there are frighteningly strong." suggested Lock, smiling sheepishly. Choi Hong was frowning because he didn't like what he heard. He never thought he was strong enough. It always seemed to him that he was weaker than he could be. He does not reveal his potential to the maximum. But first he was compared to a very strong, but still a child. And now it turned out that this child was not even the strongest in his world. The brunette frowned and gripped his sword, thinking that he should train harder.

Otherwise, at this rate, he will not save anyone and will not help anyone.

Take at least the terrorist attack that happened. If he had been stronger, he would have been able to stop the attack at the very beginning! 

But he's weak. 

He's still too weak.

"Or they showed us strong people. However, there are weaker people there, we just haven't seen them yet." Glenn suggested more sensibly. It was also true. Based on only the two dragon slayer profiles shown and the questionnaire of one Exceed, it was too early to judge the whole world.

"So it turns out we need to choose the next person we want to get information about?" Alberu asked politely, addressing the Moirs.

"That's right. Lakhesa nodded, smiling sweetly. "You need to choose a certain person about whom you want to find out information. You can choose anyone you have already seen on the screen. However, if a person has not yet been shown or he has only been mentioned, he cannot be selected until a certain moment."

"That is, we can choose anyone we have already seen..." the others thought. No, they have received this information before, but they did not attach such high importance to it before.

"Good. Then who will choose next?" asked Rosalyn questioningly, looking around. She was incredibly excited to be addressing the dragons, but she managed to keep a nervous tremor in her voice, although the delight still leaked out. But who would blame her? She, like any magician, was ready to worship dragons! "Respected dragons, do any of you want to make your choice next, after respected Mr. Eruhaben?"

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