My Wishlist

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This is my official Wishlist for Bootcamp in 2024. This list will reflect every submission period I'm taking part in.

I'm going to be that weird one and say that I do not have a conventional wish list. Thats because I want to be fully open because I read and write so much myself. 

Instead, here is a list of my favourite genres, if you have any of these, it's an instant APPLY from me hehe:

Romance: If you know anything about me, I love romance. Spicy/mature romances? Love 'em. Cute, teen romance? Yes. Married couples? Yup! Arranged marriages? Bring it! Fantasy-romance? YES. Slow burn? Always. Fast burn: also yes! 

Contemporary: This might not be a genre in its own right, but I love contemporary plots. The way I see it is kinda like It Ends With Us? A general fiction story about love and life with a bit of everything mixed in? Or anything by Jodi Picoult? Yup! Those types. Something with character driven plots and relatable emotions gets me all giddy and excited! If you've read my work, you'll know what kinda stuff i'm in to with this one.

Mystery: A good ole mystery is where I started my writing roots and I love them. Murder mysteries are epic. Kidnapping who dunnits are amazing. Any type of mystery reels me in.

General fiction: kinda goes with contemporary, but i love books that just have no set genre. If they have a bit of everything, I'm in.

This might seem like a weird list, but I'm very flexible. 

When I read a book, there are only two things I NEED to fall in love: realistic characters and a good plot. Give me characters who are real: flaws, issues, selfishness, wants, needs. Romance with chemistry and making me cheer and boo in the right places. 

My No List


. sexual assault - I am okay with this in the style of "this happened in the past" and survivor stories. The ONLY time this is a hard no is if there are scenes of this in the story. So feel free to reach out if you need to about this if you have this in your story (it may be that I can just skip that scene if thats okay with you) 

. dark romance - it depends on the plot, so please DM me to talk IF this does not feature anything on my hard no list

. historical - it totally depends. Some time periods I'm not well versed in, so please reach out and we can discuss! It might just be that I'm not the best fit for that particular story. 

HARD NO's [things I will not mentor at all]: 

mafia stories 




Y/N stories

Sex without plot (which is against Wattpad TOS anyway) 

Werewolf stories



Word Count: Due to outside commitments I will say 150k is my maximum. HOWEVER, please don't let this deter you. Say you have 160k and your story hits me right in the feels, I will still go for it. What I would say is PLEASE talk to me before applying if your story is above 150k and send me a synopsis or link or whatever, or just apply. It may be that I can help with a large portion of the story, or I can move some things around and focus on your story. JUST PLEASE LET ME KNOW.

POVs: I don't mind 3rd or 1st person. Please note however my EXPERTISE is 1st person present. I CAN mentor otherwise, but note I'm not an expert! Dual POV stories are great with me, and I can help with those!

Stages of writing: I'm open to looking at your story whether it's in planning stages, not written yet, being written right now, or complete. No preference here.

Mature: mature stories are FINE with me. I don't mind sex scenes, or gore. I'm not brilliant with writing gore, so I might not be of much help in that department. Sex scenes I write, so I can help with those. 

LGBTQ: Fine with me! I'm bisexual so yeah, all good with me! What I will admit is not being the best at helping with bxb. But there's a first time for everything!

YA Stories: there are fine with me, however I'm over 30 now and I tend to write NA stories, so while I CAN AND WILL happily mentor a Young Adult book (I actually read some!) I MIGHT NOT be the best fit. So just something to consider! 

Non-romance stories: I've had a few ask me this in the past. These are FINE with me. My expertise is around writing romance, obviously, but if you throw me a book with no romance and decent plot and even better characters? LETS GO. 


. If you're looking for comps of books I absolutely love, think anything by Jodi Picoult (my favourite author), mainly the book The Pact , and another series I LOVE LOVE LOVE is Once Upon a Broken Heart by Stephanie Garber. My taste is very very mixed, though, but those are my favourite books.


If you have something I haven't mentioned please submit or ask me questions below. I love being surprised and I love walking around the book shop finding different genres to enjoy - my husband and son hate that, but I love it lol. I'm always open to finding new stories! 

If you have any questions about my Wishlist, either tag me in a comment inline here (and do tag me so it pops up!) --> 

OR you may message me on Discord, PLEASE mention in the PM that it's about BCM Mentorship as I generally have my DMs closed otherwise (I am in the BCM server) 

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