Chapter 185 - 186

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Chapter 185

Lu Xiao couldn't help but shook his head with a smile. With his mental strength, although he didn't deliberately check it, it was already difficult to avoid his usual mental strength. Even an adult like Ling Cen couldn't do it.

Little Rose's mental strength is gradually showing.

"Aww!" You have other dogs outside behind your backs! The king heard it all, and Little Rose was full of resentment.

"Don't talk nonsense..." Lu Xiao was speechless. The wolf cub can't speak in human form yet, but his logic is well developed and he can express his emotions through the animal form.

What kind of dog is it? Those are your younger siblings. Lu Xiao still remembers the dream he had... He insisted that their second child was most likely to be an Omega, and immediately frowned in dissatisfaction. How could he treat his younger siblings so badly.

There is a huge gap between Alpha and Omega in physical and mental strength, not to mention Little Rose's physical fitness. If he bullies his younger siblings, the other party is really powerless...

"Wow!" The wolf cub raised his head angrily and let out a wolf howl. He turned around and spread his wings. His wide wings spread out from under the golden cloak his godfather gave him, flew to the railing of the stairs, and pointed his round butt at Lu Xiao.

Lu Xiao was suffocated for a while. Little Rose broke all the good expectations she had for him and Ling Cen's child before he was born. What a husky! Either on the way to demolish the house, or make yourself angry...

He really suspected that the Lu family had husky genes, which were reflected in Little Rose.

"What is he talking about?" Ling Cen leaned over to ask his partner in the wheelchair, and whispered in his ear.

Lu Xiao tilted his head and had no choice but to repeat it in a low voice. After Ling Cen listened, he smiled and discussed with Lu Xiao: "Honey, can you go back to your room first?"

"Can I chat with Little Rose?" Ling Cen said softly.

Lu Xiao hesitated for a moment, then said in a low voice, "I'll wait for you in the corridor."

"Okay." With a smile on the corners of Ling Cen's lips, he nodded slightly, let go of his hands and asked Lu Xiao to turn on the automatic function of the wheelchair, and went upstairs to leave.

Walking up to Little Rose by herself, she softly whispered, "Baby, Eminem is wrong..."

"Aww..." Hearing Ling Cen's soft voice and apologizing to herself, Little Rose was as firm as a rock, and her unmoving butt twitched slightly, then turned around and faced Ling Cen.

I don't know how many times better than Lu Xiao's treatment.

The smile on Ling Cen's face was even wider, he simply stood beside Little Rose, and did not ask him to get off the railing of the stairs.

The wolf cub's air reaction and hovering ability are improving. Even if he jumps from the second floor... as long as he spreads his wings, he can also glide to the ground. There is no danger to him.

Ling Cen and Little Rose stood side by side at the railing on the second floor, silently looking at a bouquet of lily flowers on the bench downstairs, and the glistening dewdrops on the stamens fell from the flower columns.

"Baby, you are the first child of your father and Eminem... This is the first time you have two parents, and it is also the first time we have children."

"In many things, we will not handle it thoroughly, and there are some flaws..." Ling Cen said softly, and his fingertips naturally followed the wolf cub's fur.

[MTL] Rebirth: Remarrying Doomed AdmiralTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang