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☆、Chapter 9 Optical Brain

"Searching for new-dimensional merchants..." Lou Jingheng stared at the screen, waiting for the new-dimensional merchants to appear. "The new plane merchant has successfully connected."

First-level businessman: Bodo Longoli

The plane of location: Alpha plane

Points: 86

In the video on the screen, a fat middle-aged man appeared, wearing a glittering golden dress. The material of the dress looked very special, very dazzling. When he saw Lou Jingheng's youthful appearance, his eyes lit up, and his red face was full of smiles. "Hello merchant from the Azure Planet! I'm Bodo Long Ori, you can call me Bodo Long."

"Hello, Lou Jingheng." After Lou Jingheng introduced himself, he introduced the plane he was in straight to the point, and pointed to the things on the table. "I wonder if there are any items you want to trade?"

"Haha, dear Lou, you're such a cheerful person. Then I won't let you out, are those two red fruits the same kind of fruit?" Bo Duolong quickly glanced at the items in front of the screen, and then his eyes fixed locked on top of two red apples.

"Yes, this is a fruit from our plane called an apple. Its fruit is rich in minerals and vitamins. It tastes sweet and sour, delicious and juicy. It also has the effects of promoting body fluid and quenching thirst, clearing away heat and annoyance, strengthening the stomach and eliminating food. "This is the apple brought by Aunt Qu a few days ago. Although the shape is the same as the one on Earth in his previous life, after tasting it, Lou Jingheng feels that it is much tastier than the one on Earth. The planting technology of Azure Star is advanced, and the varieties of fruits are abundant and cheap. These two apples were specially left by Lou Jingheng. Based on his experience in plane trading in his previous life, he knew that some plane merchants liked fruits very much.

"This apple is really as delicious as you say? How do you trade it?" Bo Duolong stared at the apple even more intensely. The natural fruits of the Alpha plane are very rare and precious, and if they can be traded in large quantities, he will definitely make a lot of money.

"How about this, let me trade one for you to try. Originally, it cost 10 points, but this is our first transaction, how about only charging you 5 points?" Lou Jingheng didn't say anything more, Directly click on an apple to trade.

"Okay." 5 points is still acceptable to Bo Duolong, and he also clicked on the transaction. The apple in his hand exudes a sweet and fruity aroma, and Bo Duolong inhales deeply, the aroma is really attractive. He couldn't wait to take a bite, it was really sweet and sour, juicy, so delicious! Lou Jingheng saw that Bo Duolong's favorability for him instantly rose to 20.

"Haha, dear Lou, I'm going to trade apples." It took less than ten seconds for Bo Duolong to gnaw the apples clean. If Lou Jingheng hadn't reminded Bo Duolong that he couldn't eat the core, he would have swallowed it too.

"I only have this apple left by my side. How much do you need Bodolong? I can buy it right away? But the fruit is very valuable in my plane, and I am a poor student. So you see whether to use points or What items to trade."

"Dear Lou, your straightforward personality, I like it very much, but 10 points is too expensive, we can cooperate for a long time in the future, of course I will not let you suffer. This is the intelligent optical brain of our plane, deep It is loved by many plane merchants, I believe you will not be disappointed. How about I exchange this with you for 20 apples?" Bo Duolong said with a smile, already thinking about how much he will be able to sell this apple for at a high price.

"Yes." When Lou Jingheng saw that he answered yes, Bo Duolong's favorability immediately rose to 50. Lou Jingheng looked at Bo Duolong's secretly delighted appearance, thought for a while and said, "But isn't it mentioned in the rules of the plane that technology cannot be traded, this optical brain?"

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