6. Down A Partner

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"Have a good day Mrs

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"Have a good day Mrs. Cross and I'll see you for your next appointment Miss Daisy." I scratch the little Pomeranian's chin and shake Mrs. Cross's hand.

When she's out of sight I smack my head against Oliva's desk. "Please tell me that was the last one for today? I'm on my last leg."

Olivia laughs. "You're all good."

I hear a deep laugh coming from the other side of the clinic and grimace. "I swear to God, if I see his overly tanned face one more time, I may punch him."

Olivia glares in the direction my eyes are zoned in on. "Ever since Jamaica last year, he's been keeping up with his Oompa Loompa tan."

Her insult helps the sting. "I still can't believe he had the audacity to cheat and come into my clinic with Miss Bojangas."

"She was really huge." Olivia circles her hands around her breasts.

I laugh.

"Really, though, I think you lucked out on that. The cheating part sucks, but he's so not good enough for you." She points her pen dramatically at me and gives a smile.

I had made the mistake of falling head over heels in stupidity with my mom's partner's son, who is now my partner... sadly. He seemed charming, good-looking with deep brown eyes and matching hair, way out of my league, yet interested in me and super nice. However, he was anything but.

We dated for six months, if you even call it that. We would work, go out for dinner, kiss each other good night and part ways. It was boring. He ended up having to go to some "conference" in Jamaica. He came back and told me he was with me because I seemed like the marriageable, settle down type. But after meeting Miss Bojangas, he realized I wasn't what he wanted.

I'm almost certain he was with her the whole time we were together.

My mind drifts back to Tommy, a guy I thought was a possibility. He was so unbelievably handsome. I should've known I wasn't someone he'd be interested in like that.


That's probably what he wants.

I could do that. I'll just have to ignore my insane attraction to him. Maybe he'll become a best friend and be one of those protective guys and makes sure I don't date idiots and when I do, he'll beat them to a pulp.

I groan and stretch my body out while my hands grip Olivia's desk.

"Okay, what's up? If you sigh anymore today, I may take you to the emergency room." She jokes.

I squish my face and burry it in my hand. "There's this guy..."

She immediately drops what she's doing and springs up. "Tell me everything."

I cave, needing a friend right now and Olivia is the best there is. "Remember that SEAL I told you about at the beach..."

"The one who kissed you into a comatose state. Yeah, how could I forget! The way you described it made me almost go into catatonic shock."

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