Ch.20: New Plans.

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Song: Umbrella - Rihanna.

(Y/n) opens her eyes feeling a warm sensation on her body… it’s been so long since she felt this safe before. Looking at the sleeping face of 703, she caresses his cheek kissing his forehead. Slowly, she turns around to grab her tablet immediately feeling his arms around her waist spooning her. Smiling gently, she turns on her tablet reading her latest e-mails.

Most of them were from interns that kept seeking her for advice in every little thing that they did. She doesn’t mind help them every now and them but they wouldn’t leave her alone, sometimes, she would give them extra useless activities just to take them off her back but Dr. Lace asked her to stop messing with them. She missed the time when everyone avoided her because she walked around with 703.

Other messages were from the head doctors of other S-Cities around the word, after the stand-off in the meeting, many head doctors wanted to have her in their labs, promising her a million things… but she knew that they only wanted her in their labs for Mr. Hyde and all the funding that it was spent in the project.

Lastly, she reads the message from Dr. Lace telling her that her request for a new medical room/lab was approved. Her eyes shined with excitement as she places down her tablet, she wanted to jump with happiness but she didn’t want to bother the sleeping experiment. However, she needed to ask him to do something harsh.

Taking a deep breath, she turns around looking at his calm face… she wishes to stay like this more time but she has to get her work done.

“703…” she mutters shaking his arm “703, wake up”

“I don’t want to” he groans holding her tighter closer to him.

She chuckles “We have things to do… come on…”

“It’s raining outside, the ghouls are going crazy… let’s stay here”


“What?” he mutters opening his eyes.

“What did you say?”

He groans and closes his eyes resting his head over hers.

“I said that I don’t want to get up… and if I don’t get up, you won’t get up either…”

Smiling warmly, she holds his hand kissing it.



“I think that I found a way to take Mr. Hyde out of your system”

703 looks at her and slowly lets her go sitting on the bed.

“What do you need?”

Sitting in front of him she takes a deep breath “… I need you to give Mr. Hyde control of the body”

He stares at her and chuckles looking around “Am I still sleeping?” he gets up “This is a dream made by you again, isn’t it?” he tries to find Mr. Hyde “I’m not giving you control!”


“I just need to wake up a-and... and kill myself so I won'thurt her—” he was visibly disturbed.

“Okay, no…” she steps in front of him and places her hands on his cheeks “If you kill yourself, I’m going to jump from the sixth floor and do a flip in my way down… my goal it’s to make at least five before hitting the floor”

He stares at her dumbfounded “W-What the fuck?”

“Now that I have your attention, I want you to explain me about the dreams concerning Mr. Hyde”

“I…” he tries to think if this is a dream or not, but the absurd thing she said truly confused him “You are not going to jump from the sixth floor, are you?”

“No, it’s not high enough to kill me in the moment, if anything I would jump from—”

“Stop…” he places his hands on her cheeks. Now he was sure that she was his crazy doctor.

“Right, sorry… but to be fair you started with the suicide thing—”

“Stop…” he frowns.

“Okay…” she giggles and places her hands over his “On the serious note, please, tell me about the dreams you’ve been having”

“It’s… like he is digging in my memories… or what I think it’s my memories… and inserting himself into them trying to trick me into giving him the control”

“Wait, wait… are you recovering your memories?”

“I’ve been having dreams for a while… it includes a little girl that I feel I need to protect with every inch of my body… and we are in a city… I guess, but I think I might be in the woods as well, there’s a lot of green around and I think I was a hunter or something similar…”

“A hunter…” she stands still for a second and holds back her laughter “W-What else do you remember?”

“Nothing else… a night ago, Mr. Hyde took over my dreams and tried to control me, that’s why I thought that I was being tricked”

“That's good news!” she smiles and hugs him “If you are moderately recovering your memory, it means that my treatment is working… bit by bit, but it’s working” she looks up at him with shiny eyes.

He slowly wraps his arms around her resting his head on hers.

“Do you think that I’ll be a human again?”

“I can’t guarantee you anything… are looking forward to it? Or do you still want me to kill you?”

He didn’t have the answer to that, he couldn’t tell her that he wanted to live for her and that he didn’t want to become a human either… it’ll make him weaker.

“You said that you have a way to kill the parasite…”

“R-Right…” she decides to drop the topic “Well, Mr. Hyde…”

“The parasite”

“Okay” she chuckles “That… it’s a hive mind, it may be able to distribute itself in multiple places with no limit on distance or quantity, not only that but it possesses episodic memories which are autobiographical recollection of—”

“Doc…” he groans “Sum it up”

“Right, sorry… If it can get into your memories then you can get into its memories and find how it was created… but, there's the possibility that it will try to trick you either way by making up false memories or by wanting to entirely take over”

“And what will happen if he gets control”

“Then he will force me to escape with him which will take me back to sixth floor because I rather have a painfully death than dealing with Dr. Lace… she will never let me hear the end of this…”

He frowns “I will never let that happen…”

“I know… for now, let’s go to the new lab and start the proceedings”

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