Bonus Chapter 5

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This is a pretty short chapter and it's unedited! You've been warned!

I didn't want to post it before reaching a good word count, but I figured dropping a 2000 words chapter is better than nothing, so here you go!


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"How's my favorite she-wolf?"

Lillian looked up at Benjamin. The blond alpha was running down the slight hill towards them, his steps light and his eyes full of mischief. He looked her up and down and grinned. Noah growled under his breath.

They were in Benjamin's pack. The Council session that would judge the case between alpha Albert and Lillian would be held here. Lillian, Noah, the twins and a few warriors ran the way to Benjamin's pack in their fur. His territory neighbored Noah's, and the run was a good stretch of their legs. The twins ran some of the way on their own, and when they got tired they shifted to their skin and rode on Noah and one of the warriors' back.

They reached Benjamin's territory around noon. The area was more hilly compared to home, and the weather had a colder bite to it.

"Does that line even work, Benjamin?" Lillian asked.

"Hey, I'm not hitting on you."

"Aha, I see."

"Believe me, you would've known if I was," he said with a wink. He was mostly doing it to get a reaction out of Noah. Which he often did not. But Noah was grumpy from the upcoming meeting and thus more irritable.

Lillian tugged on her sweater. They had packed their clothes in a saddle-like bag that fit over their wolves' back. When she first saw Noah with the backpack on his back, she laughed out loud. She couldn't help it. The sight was comic.

"Where are we staying?" Lillian asked as Ezra and Elijah finally managed to get into their shorts and stood next to her.

"I got a cabin ready for you four." Benjamin said, stabbing a thumb over his shoulder. They were in the middle of the woods, the trees covering every inch of the rolling hills around them, but Lillian's ears picked up the sound of voices and crashing water. Noah had said Benjamin had a waterfall in his pack village. It must be nearby. The smell of wolves, smoke and cooking food tickled her nose. Her stomach growled a little. She looked around. No one seemed to notice.

"Thank you," Noah said. He looked back at the warriors, no doubt linking with them. They would run back home. Without Lillian and the twins, the run back much faster. There was no need for them to say, according to Noah. Benjamin was a trusted ally, being in his pack, they were as protected as they would be in theirs.

"Alpha Benjamin, are you the one who turned my mom?" Ezra asked.

Benjamin raised his brows. "Yep. Who told you?"

"Everyone knows!" Elijah said. "Does that make you her dad?"

Lillian wrinkled her nose. Benjamin made a face. "I'm pretty sure it doesn't work that way, kid. What makes you say that?"

The twins shrugged as one. Lillian shook her head. She had no idea what was running through their toddler brains.

Benjamin walked beside them up the hill. "The wolves in the committee are already here, and more wolves will be coming to witness the trial later."

"How does that work, anyway?" Lillian asked, keeping her eyes on the twins as they skipped ahead of them.

Noah threw an arm over her shoulders. "The national wolf council appoints a committee of wolves to deal with small matters like these."

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