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A/N: Never thought I would write a second part for Something Beautiful. I hope you'll get to enjoy this one.


JJ and I have been seeing each other for months now. She occasionally invites me whenever the team goes to Rossi's mansion to have dinner and just spend time decompressing after their cases. Tonight is one of those nights. We are currently at her apartment getting ready for Rossi's dinner, she called me out from her bedroom. "Y/N, can you please help me zip up my dress?" I stood up and fixed my blazer and went to her.

I knocked three times and asked if I can come in. When she said yes, I opened the door. I saw her standing in the middle of the room, she was wearing a midnight blue dress that hugged her body perfectly. I walked towards her and zipped the back of her dress. "You're all set, Jareau. You look beautiful." I told her as soon as she faced me. "Thank you, Y/N/N. White really is your color."

"Thank you, JJ. Are you ready to go now?" I asked her while looking around the room searching for something she might need. "I'm all set now, let's go. We're gonna be late, there might be heavy traffic so let's leave now." With that, we walked towards her door and made sure both the door of our apartments are locked. We headed towards my car, I opened the door for her and place my hand on the headline of the car so she won't hit her head. I got in the car and started our journey to Rossi's mansion. We got to his place right on time. We knocked on his door, and Krystall answered the door for us. We exchange greetings and she saw the basket I was carrying. "Oh Y/N, you didn't have to bring anything."

"It's fine Krystall, even though I have joined you guys for dinner numerous times I still feel like I shouldn't come empty-handed." Krystall hit my shoulder playfully and thanked me for the bottle I brought. Rossi joined us, giving us hugs. "You guys are early. Make yourselves comfortable."

"Rossi, can I help you with anything in the kitchen?"

"Ah, please. Help me chop the pancetta and guanciale." I kissed JJ's forehead and went to the kitchen with Rossi.

"So kid, how are you? What's keeping you busy lately?" Rossi started. "Still writing songs, finishing one of the scores for the documentary I'm working on and I'm working on something special."

"A documentary huh, that's good. You have a good ear that sets the emotion and conveys the message to the world, kid. So, what is that something special?" I took a deep breath and said, "Before that, can I ask you something first?" He wiped his hands and turned the heat down. While he did that, we heard the door open and small chatter, signifying that most of the team just arrived.

"Go, kid. No need to be nervous." I rubbed my hands trying to calm myself. "Okay, here it is. I'm asking for permission if JJ could be my girlfriend. I know I shouldn't be asking you this but you're someone who's seen JJ become who she is today and you're like the team's father figure. The special project that I'm working on is an extended play composed of songs I've written specifically about how I feel about her." I ended my small rambling when Rossi placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Y/N, I appreciate you for asking. I guess as her honorary father figure, yes. My blessings are yours. Including when you ask her to marry you."  I laughed at what he said and shook his hand and he gave me a proud smile. The team found their way into the kitchen and saw our interaction. "Well, well, well. Y/N, it's nice to see you in the kitchen. It's a new view." 

I wiped my hands and went to greet the team and I gave Emily a hug. "Good evening, Emily. I was just helping Rossi prepare since we got here a little early." I said to her and let go of the hug to greet the others. After the pleasantries, I went back to help Rossi finish our meal tonight.

After setting the table, I made my way to sit beside JJ. "Hello, Jareau. It's been a minute since I saw you." I gave her a warm smile. "Hi, took you long enough to come and find me." She placed her hand above my knee and engaged in a conversation with Tara. Everyone thanked Rossi for the dinner and we all exchanged goodbyes. On the drive back to our apartment, I took a quick glance at JJ and said, "Do you mind if I make you listen to this EP I made? I want you to specifically listen to track 5." 

"Sure thing, let's hear it." I pulled up my files and played track 5 entitled, This. We sat there in silence, and I'm taking few glances at JJ listening to the song. I'm no profiler but the change in her facial expression tells me she's enjoying it. She took a deep breath in and touched my arm. I pulled up into our apartment building and faced her. "So, did you like it?" I asked her while I'm playing with my rings, nervous about her thoughts about the EP. "I love how it's very simple yet it gives strong emotions. I really loved This."

"Well, good thing you loved it. I wrote every single song with you in mind. This EP is dedicated to you." Her eyes glisten with tears and joy evident in them. I took her hand and kissed the back of it and placed it above where my heart is. "Jennifer Jareau, would you be my girlfriend?" Without hesitation, she reached over and hugged me and whispered, yes. We let go of the hug and noticed tears streaming down her face.

"This is the most romantic gesture everyone has done for me, Y/N. Thank you." We got out of the car, hands together and fingers intertwined. We arrived in front of our doors, still not letting go of each other's hands. "Would you like to spend the night with me, Y/N?" She faced me and laced her arms around my neck, and I placed my arms around her waist. "I would love to, Ms. Profiler." I inched my face slowly closer to her, and she met me halfway. Her lips are soft as tulips and tasted like cherry wine. We cut the kiss short, so JJ can open the door. 

This is the start of something beautiful, and I look forward to spending the rest of my life getting to know the woman who made me feel whole again.

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